Perbandingan Hukum (Comparative Law)


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oleh: Yusman Syaukat Departemen Ekonomi Sumberdaya & Lingkungan

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Transcript presentasi:

Perbandingan Hukum (Comparative Law) Dr. Aidul Fitriciada Azhari, SH Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Materi Pertemuan Ke-1 Pendahuluan Pengertian dan Istilah Sejarah Signifikasi studi Perbandingan Hukum Masalah dalam studi Perbandingan Hukum Jenis-jenis Perbandingan Hukum Metodologi Perbandingan Hukum Perbedaan dengan Disiplin Hukum Lainnya Pertemuan ke-3 Klasifikasi Sistem Hukum / Tradisi Hukum Sistem Hukum Adat

Materi Pertemuan ke-4/5 Sistem Hukum Sipil (Civil Law) Sistem Hukum Kebiasaan (Common Law) Pertemuan ke-8/9 Sistem Hukum Islam Pertemuan ke-10/11 Sistem Hukum China Pertemuan ke-12 Presentasi makalah


Tugas Makalah perorangan tentang perbandingan hukum terkait dengan topik disertasi (dipresentasikan pada perkuliahan terakhir)

Istilah Terdapat beberapa istilah dari “comparative law”, di antaranya “the comparative study of laws” atau “comparison of laws” (Dalam bhs Indonesia diterjemahkan sama sebagai “Perbandingan Hukum”) Tetapi, sejak 1946, istilah “Comparative Law” lebih banyak digunakan

Pengertian Peter de Cruz (p. 3) Comparative law is the systematic study of particular legal traditions and legal rules on a comparative basis Comparative law requires the comparison of two or more legal systems and / or legal traditions, or of selected aspects, institutions or branches of two or more legal systems.

Pengertian Alan Watson (pp. 1-9) Comparative Law not just a method of study, but : Comprises more than one discipline, As an independent academic discipline is not study of one foreign system or elementary account of various systems or primarily matter of drawing comparisons, Is study of relationship between systems

Sejarah Studi Perbandingan Hukum Perbandingan hukum sudah dimulai sejak zaman Yunani, ketika bangsa Yunani mengadopsi sistem hukum bangsa lain Pada masa Romawi terdapat perkembangan jus gentium yang dipengaruhi oleh penyelidikan perbandingan, denasionalisasi, dan pegerakan ke arah ‘hukum global’

Sejarah Studi Perbandingan Hukum Akar dari perbandingan hukum adalah : Perbandingan hukum dalam bidang legislatif (legislative comparative law) :  munculnya kodifikasi hukum nasional di Jerman dan Prancis Perbandingan hukum secara ilmiah (scholarly comparative law) :  pengaruh teori evolusi dari Charles Darwin di kalangan para ahli di berbagai universitas di Eropa

Sejarah Studi Perbandingan Hukum Perbandingan Hukum modern dimulai pada 1900 ketika dilangsungkan the International Congress of Comparative Law di Paris Penggagas Kongres, Lambert dan Saleilles, menyebutkan adanya “a common law of mankind” yakni suatu hukum dunia yang diciptakan dari perbandingan hukum Pada Kongres tersebut untuk pertama kali diformulasikan fungsi dan tujuan dari perbandingan hukum

Signifikasi Studi Perbandingan Hukum Peter de Cruz (pp. 18-26) Comparative law as an academic discipline Comparative law as an aid to legislation and law reform Comparative law as a tool of construction Comparative law as a means of understanding legal rules Comparative law as a contribution to the systematic unification and harmonization of law

Signifikasi Studi Perbandingan Hukum Alan Watson (pp. 16-20) Understanding of nature of law and of legal development Systematic study of foreign system Unsystematic knowledge that useful for law reform The subject matter, historical relationship Borrowing and transmissibility Rules and their effects

Masalah dalam Studi Perbandingan Hukum Menurut Alan Watson (pp. 10-15), bila tidak hati-hati perbandingan hukum dapat menimbulkan resiko : Superficiality Getting foreign law wrong Impossibility of being systematic Desire to find pattern of development Arguing too easily to another system

Masalah dalam Studi Perbandingan Hukum Peter de Cruz (p. 213) : Linguistic and terminology problems Cultural differences between legal systems The potentiality of arbitrariness in selection of objects study The desire to see a common legal pattern in legal system – the theory of a general pattern of development The tendency to impose one’s own (native) legal conceptions and expectations on the systems being compared Dangers of exclusion / ignorance of extra-legal rules

Jenis-jenis Perbandingan Hukum E. Lambert (dlm Alan Watson p. 3) Descriptive Comparative Law Comparative History of Law Comparative Legislation

Descriptive Comparative Law … is the inventory of the systems of the past and present as a whole as well as of individual rules which these systems establish for the several categories of legal tradition

Comparative History of Law … is closely allied to ethnological jurisprudence, folklore, legal sociology, and philosophy of law. It endeavor to bring out through the establishment of a universal history of law the rhythms or natural laws of the succession of social phenomena, which direct the evolution of legal institution. … its students have been up to the present principally interested in the reconstitution of the most obscure phases of the legal history of human societies

Comparative Legislation … represents the effort to define the common trunk on which present national doctrines of law are destined to graft themselves as a result of both of the development of the study of law as a social science, and of the awakening of an international legal consciousness.

Jenis-jenis Perbandingan Hukum J.H. Wigmore (dlm Alan Watson, p. 3) Comparative Nomoscopy, which is the description of system of law Comparative Nomothetics, which is the analysis of the merits of the system Comparative Nomogenetics, which is the study of the development of the world’s legal ideas and system

Jenis-jenis Perbandingan Hukum Macro-comparison – refers to the study of two or more entire legal systems Micro-comparison – refers to the study of topics or aspects of two or more legal systems

Topics of Micro-comparison Among the possible topics of micro-comparison : The institutions or concepts peculiar to the systems; The sources of law, judicial systems and judiciary, legal profession or even the structure of the legal systems; The various branches of national or domestic law; The historical development of legal systems; The ideological, socio-legal and economic bases of that system.

Jenis-jenis Studi Perbandingan Hukum Peter de Cruz (p. 7) Comparison of foreign systems with the domestic system in order to ascertain similarities and differences; Studies with analyze objectively and systematically solutions with various systems offer for a given legal problem Studies which investigate the causal relationship between different systems of law Studies which compare the several stages of various legal systems; Studies which attempt to discover or examine legal evolution generally according to periods and systems

Metode Perbandingan Hukum Alan Watson (p. 7-9) give three approaches in Comparative Law : The historical relationship The ‘inner’ relationship The same pattern of development theory

Metode Perbandingan Hukum 1st Approach : The historical relationship – F. Pringsheim: “comparative law without the history of law is an impossible task” The historical relationship should have pride of place : 1st – because the relationship itself is more obvious than any other type; 2nd – because the degree of borrowing and adaptation is more easily spotted; 3rd – because the relevant factors in the development can be isolated more simply; 4th – because in the Western world borrowing (with adaptation) has been the usual of legal development

Metode Perbandingan Hukum 2nd approach : The ‘inner’ relationship … Rests not on any historical contact, but on spiritual and physical relationship and on an undeniable similarity between the peoples or between their development

Metode Perbandingan Hukum 3rd approach : The same pattern of development theory … that all legal systems in their young days pass through the same or the similar stages of development

Metode Perbandingan Hukum Kamba (dlm Cruz, p. 23) gives three main stages of the process of comparison : The descriptive phase The identification phase The explanatory phase

The description phase The description phase : “… description of the norms, concepts, and institutions of the systems concerned and the examination of the socio-economic problems and the legal problems and the legal solutions provided by the systems in question

The identification phase & The explanatory phase The identification phase deals with the identification of differences and similarities between the system being compared The explanatory phase is the stage in which an attempt will be made to account for the resemblances and dissimilarities between systems, concepts, or institutions

Metode Perbandingan Hukum Peter de Cruz (pp. 235-239) menyebutkan delapan tahap dalam perbandingan hukum : 1st – identify the problem and state it as precisely as possible 2nd – identify the foreign jurisdiction and, if possible, the parent legal family 3rd – decide which primary sources of law are going to be needed or, even more importantly, which materials are available 4th – gather and assemble the material relevant to the jurisdiction being examined

Metodologi Perbandingan Hukum Lanjutan … 5th – organize the material in accordance with headings reflecting the legal philosophy and ideology of the legal system being investigated; 6th – tentatively map out the possible answers to the problem, comparing carefully the different approaches, bearing in mind possible cultural differences or socio economic factors, where relevant, and exploring any other non-legal factors which may have influenced the current legal position in both jurisdiction

Metodologi Perbandingan Hukum Lanjutan … 7th – critically analyse the legal principle in terms of their intrinsic meaning rather than according to any Western of other standards; 8th – set out your conclusions within a comparative framework with caveats, if necessary, and with critical commentary, wherever relevant, and relate it to the original purpose of your enquiry.

Perbedaan dengan Disiplin Lain Hukum Perdata Internasional dan Perbandingan Hukum Kedua disiplin terkait dengan analisis berlakunya aturan2 spesifik pada beberapa sistem hukum Perbedaannya, HPI lebih selektif dibandingkan perbandingan hukum, terutama pada pilihan hukum “choice of law rules”

Perbedaan dengan Disiplin Lain Hukum Internasional Publik dan Perbandingan Hukum HIP mengacu pada hukum yang mengatur hubungan antara negara-negara, sedangkan Perbandingan Hukum adalah metode analisis atas masalah dan institusi yang muncul dari dua atau lebih sistem hukum nasional dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai beroperasinya sistem hukum tersebut

Perbedaan dengan Disiplin Lain Sejarah Hukum dan Perbandingan Hukum Sejarah hukum menggunakan metode perbandingan hukum Comparative legal history  vertical comparative law Comparison of the modern system  horizontal comparative law

Perbedaan dengan Disiplin Lain Etnologi Hukum dan Perbandingan Hukum Etnologi hukum terfokus pada aspek historis dari masyarakat primitif Etnologi hukum sekarang merupakan salah satu cabang dari perbandingan hukum yang memberikan sumbangan kepada analisis perbandingan melalui disiplin yang unik and teknik observasi

Perbedaan dengan Disiplin Lain Sosiologi Hukum dan Perbandingan Hukum Perbandingan hukum membutuhkan sosiologi hukum Terdapat perbedaan fundamental antara kedua disiplin, yakni sosiologi hukum mencakup lebih mendalam data lapangan/ empiris, sedangkan perbandingan hukum lebih memperhatikan “bagaimana hukum seharusnya berlaku” melalui kajian atas aturan dan institusi hukum dalam kaitan satu sama lain.

Peta Eropa

The English Common Law System Muncul pada abad ke-12 setelah penaklukan oleh Normandia Dipengaruhi oleh sistem hukum Islam yang diadopsi setelah Perang Salib

The English Common Law System A case base system of law which functions through analogical reasoning An hierarchical doctrine of precedent Sources of law which includes statutes as well as cases Typical institutions like the trust, tort law, estoppel and agency. Although some of this institutions appear in one form or another in other legal systems, the “trust” concept is unique to the common law system.

The English Common Law System A distinctive improvisatory and pragmatic legal style Categories of law such as contract and tort as separate bodies of law as well as two main bodies of law: common law and equity, which may be administered by the same court No substantive or structural public/private law distinction as that which exist in civil law system

The value System and Rights Natural law Legal Positivism Sociological jurisprudence Other legal and moral philosophies Language Logic CONCEPTUAL  “ IS “ What is law ? Classification of laws, nature of rules Rights duties obligations Person; legal person; corporation, etc Civil and criminal liability and general defences Ownership; possession, and so on NORMATIVE  “ OUGHT” Theory of legislation. This includes a theory of legitimacy and a theory of legislative justice Theory of adjudication. controversy and a theory of jurisdiction Theory of compliance, including the goals of punishment

ḥukm: classification of laws, nature of rules Maḥkūm fīh: Rights The value System The Qur’ān The Sunnah ‘Ilm al-Kalām Logic CONCEPTUAL  “ IS “ What is Islamic law ? ḥukm: classification of laws, nature of rules Maḥkūm fīh: Rights Maḥkūm ‘alayh:Person; legal person; corporation, etc fiqh :concepts like legal capacity, cause of defec- tive capacity, property, and so on NORMATIVE  “ OUGHT” Theory of Ijtihād: How does the mujtahid convert the principles in the source of law? Is it something similar to modern legislation? Theory of Takhrīj and Qadā: How does the faqīh extend the law? Is his methodology similar to the methodology of the modern judge? Theories about the conditions Taklīf and Siyasah Shar’iyyah Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee,2000 Dīn Nafs Nasl ‘Aql Māl

Maslahah Mursalah Menurut Imam Al-Ghazali : Hanya dapat digunakan sebagai sumber hukum apabila termasuk dalam masalah yang sangat penting Bersifat universal; berlaku untuk seluruh umat Islam Merupakan suatu yang qath’i

Mashlalah Mursalah Menurut Imam Asy-Syatibi : Harus dapat diterima akal sehat Harus sesuai dengan tujuan umum syari’ah (maqasid al-shariah) Harus memelihara suatu hal yang penting atau menghilangkan kesusahan yang ada dalam agama

Pendidikan Doktor dalam Studi Hukum Islam Islam – Ijâzah al-tadris Abad Pertengahan – licentia docendi Modern – doctor Seorang doktor memiliki kewenangan mengajar dan berpendapat secara independen (kebebasan akademis) Karena itu, pendidikan tinggi hukum Islam mengenal adanya perbedaan pendapat dan seorang muslim bebas menentukan pilihan atas pendapat yang diberikan oleh seorang mufti

Sistem Hukum China Berakar pada konsep fǎ (法) dan lǐ (理) Konsep lǐ (理) bersumber pada ajaran Kong Hu Cu (551-479 SM) yang menekankan pada etika dan keselarasan sosial Konsep fǎ (法) bersumber pada filsafat legalisme China (221 SM) yang menekankan pada ketaatan pada perundang-undangan

Sistem etika lǐ (理) Konsep lǐ (理) terutama bersendi pada ajaran kewajiban : Kaum muda terhadap kaum tua Laki-laki terhadap ayahnya Istri terhadap suami Sahabat terhadap sahabatnya Rakyat terhadap pemimpinnya

Legalisme China fǎ (法) Ajaran legalisme China fǎ (法) bersendi pada tiga prinsip yang diperlukan penguasa untuk memerintah secara benar: Shih, berarti kedudukan (kedudukan lebih menentukan dibandingkan kebajikan/kebenaran) Shu, berarti metode/cara memerintah Fa, berarti hukum yang ditetapkan penguasa Perbandingan Hukum / Aidul Fitriciada / Program Doktor UMS

Li (理) pada masa Mao Tse-Tung Mao Tse Tung menghidupkan kembali konsep lǐ (理) dengan membuat delapan ajaran yang dimuat dalam Buku Merah, yakni : Berbicaralah dengan sopan Bayar sepantasnya apa yang dibeli Kembalikan apa yang dipinjam Berilah ganti rugi atas kerugian yang diperbuat Janganlah memukul atau mencaci maki orang lain Janganlah merusak tanaman yang akan dipanen orang Janganlah bergaul bebas dengan kaum perempuan Janganlah menyiksa orang-orang tahanan

Li (理) pada masa Mao Tse-Tung Slain itu Mao juga membuat tiga aturan pokok tentang disiplin : Di dalam semua tindakan anda, patuhilah perintah-perintah Janganlah mengambil apapun dari masyarakat, bahkan jarum dan benang sekalipun Serahkan kepada pemerintah semua rampasan perang

Li (理) pada masa Lee Kuan Yew Pada tahun 1980, Lee Kuan Yew (PM Singapura) menyerukan agar menghidupkan kembali ajaran Konfusiusme Ajaran Konfusiusme menjadi Asian Values yang menjadi karakteristik sistem sosial-politik di Asia Timur dan dipandang mendorong kemajuan ekonomi di Asia Timur dan Asia Tenggara

Li (理) dan ADR Sistem hukum China yang bersumber pada ajaran lǐ (理) di antaranya berperan dalam melahirkan Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). ADR berkembang dari adopsi hukum China kepada sistem hukum Amerika yang kemudian berkembang ke seluruh dunia.