Occupational Health , Safety, and the Environment Assignment AN ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF MALARIA IN BELITUNG SELATAN 4 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BANJARMASIN Enviromental Engineering BANJARBARU 2015 Lecturer: DR. Qomariyatus Sholihah, Amd.Hyp. ST. Mkes Lecturer: Rd.Indah Nirtha Nilawati NPS.ST.,M.Si Asmarika W H1E11320 Erdina Lulu A.R H1E113024 Elly Iswahyuni H1E113223 Melida R.F H1E112014
SECTION 1:INTRODUCTION Background \\\ An Ecology factors affecting on mosquito population Children among 1-9 years old is one of most vulnerable groups affected by malaria (Riskesdas, 2013) Diseases Vectors Anopheles Mosquito Temperature pH DO Purpose: To determine ecological factors in BELSEL 4 Junior High School Banjarmasin Benefits As information for alleviating of disease-causing mosquito vectors of malaria
Section 2: Literature Review Malaria Disease (Depkes RI,2003) Bionomics of Mosquito (Hiswani,2004) Modes of Transmission Vector Control (Ikrayama,2007) Ecological Factor Mosquito (Mading dan Kazwaini,2014) Mosquito Vector An Overview of Disease and Malaria Vector in Indonesia The life cycle of Anopheles School-based malaria control program (Depkes RI,2006)
Methods Direct Measurement Laboratory test pH meter Termometer Winkler Method
Results and Discussion Sampling Station 1 :puddles of water conditions silence which has a length of 5 m and a width of 50 cm . Sampling Station 2 : a gutter has a length of 10 m and a width of 30 cm Sampling Station 3 : Swamp with stagnant water has a length of 300 m and a width of 5 m
Station 2:This location has no plant or building to covering up TEMPERATURE The temperature for mosquito development is between 20 to 28°C (Hoedojo,1993) Station 2:This location has no plant or building to covering up
Showed all the stations has ideal conditions for mosquito breeding pH The range of Ph values for Anopheles mosquito breeding places between 6,8-8,6 (Raharjo dkk,2003) Showed all the stations has ideal conditions for mosquito breeding
Station 2: Has the lowest DO caused highest light intensity Setyaningrum research,2008 Dissolved Oxygen for breeding of larvae is 5-6,4 mg/L
Conclusion Recommendations pH DO 7,1 7,2 7,4 =Station 1 =Station 2 Temperature 25°C 26°C 23°C DO 2,3 mg/l 1,2 mg/l 5,8 mg/l Recommendations The suggestions for this research that malaria vector control or a malaria prevention program should be held by government and educational institusion through participation from the public by promoting the participation of school children.
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