Istilah Medis Geriatri Prodi RMIK, Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan Pertemuan 11 dr. Mayang Anggraini Prodi RMIK, Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan
KEMAMPUAN AKHIR YANG DIHARAPKAN Memahami istilah medis kasus Geriatri.
ISTILAH UMUM Istilah arti 1. geriartrician = spesialis penyakit lansia 2. geriatrics = cabang ilmu kedokteran terkait penyakit lansia berserta terapinya. 3. gerontologist = ilmu yang membahas tentang proses menjadi lansia terkait implikasi biologik, mental dan sosioekonomik 4. gerontology = ilmu yang membahas tentang facets menjadi lansia terkait fisiologi, psikologi, sosiologi dan kesehatan masyarakat.
Istilah arti 5. podiatrist = spesialis diagnosis dan terapi defek, cedera dan penyakit terkait kaki manusia lansia yang cenderung memerlukan pelayanan podiatrist 6. presbyatrics; = pengobatan medis terkait lansia presbytiatrics 7. Psychogerontology = ilmu tentang kehidupan mental dan emotional lansia, ide, memori dan tingkat kesadaran- nya.
Istilah arti 5. podiatrist = spesialis diagnosis dan terapi defek, cedera dan penyakit terkait kaki manusia lansia yang cenderung memerlukan pelayanan podiatrist 6. presbyatrics; = pengobatan medis terkait lansia presbytiatrics 7. Psychogerontology = ilmu tentang kehidupan mental dan emotional lansia, ide, memori dan tingkat kesadaran- nya.
GANGGUAN FISIS LANSIA Istilah Diagnostic 1. cranial arteritis, giant cell arteritis, arteritis lansia panarteritis lansia, khususnya melibatkan: arteria: - temporalis, - ophthalmic, - retinal dengan gejala klinis: - sakit kepala yang menyebalkan, - sakit tekan pada kepala, rasa sakit, - kadang gangrene lidah, - perifer neuropathy dan - buta mendadak. Kode ICD-10 (61) -cranial (left)(right), giant cell M31.6 [574] Other giant cell arteritis
2. osteitis deformans Penyakit Paget tulang: gangguan tulang dengan gejala decalcification (ada destruksi tulang yang menonjol, dengan penyembuhan cepat) terjadi tulang baru dengan arsitektur abnormal, peningkatan vaskularisasi dan fibrosis mudah fraktur dan osteogenic sarcoma. Kode ICD-10 (490) - deformans M88.9 - in malignant neoplasm of bone (M8000/3) C41.9 M90.6* Paget tulang (495) M88.9 [596] M88.9 Paget disease of bone, unspecified.
3. polymyalgia rheumatica: tipe khusus rheumatism otot, > pada wanita lansia dari pada pria sakit, kaku punggung, bahu, leher dan sendi pelvis. Kode ICD-10: (522) M35.3 [575] M35.3 Polymyalgia rheumatica Excl.: .... 4. senescent macular degeneration: satu proses degeneratif ditandai pigmentasi pada macula gangguan visus mata. Kode ICD-10: (185) (acquired)(atrophic)(exsudative) (senile) H35.3 [394] H35.3 Use additional .... (Chap. XX) ...
senescent osteoporosis: gangguan metabolisme protein pada lansia dengan tanda: osteoporosis yang > di daerah tulang punggung dan pelvis fraktur spontan, deformitas dan kolaps vertebra tinggi badan menurun. Kode ICD-10 (492) senile M81.8 - with pathological fract. M80.8 [593] M81.8 Other osteoporosis (Senile osteoporos.) M80.8 Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture Perbedaanya: M80 Osteoporosis with pathological fracture M81 Osteoporosis without pathological fracture
senescent purpura: gangguan perdarahan dengan gejala mudah memar dan axtravasasi warna keunguan umumnya di lengan dan tungkai dari kulit lansia Kode ICD-10 (546) Purpura senile D69.2 [237] D69.2 Other Nonthrombocytopenic purpura Purpura NOS, senile, simplex senescent sebaceous adenomas: lesi benign, khusus timbul di muka lansia mirip papula lonjong warna mutiara disertai lekukan depresi bagian sentral. Kode ICD-10 (34) sebaceous (M8410/0) – see Neoplasm, skin, benign, D23.3 [215] D23.3 Skin of other and unspec. part of face
A. ISTILAH OPERASI (BEDAH) 1. blepharoplasty for blepharochalasia 2. dermabrasion & excision of a. furrowed brows b. perioral wrinkles 3. face-lift operasion 4. rhytidectomy 5. rhydidoplasty a. glabellar rhytidoplasty b. cervicofacial rhytidoplasty
C. Istilah Simtomatis 1. arcus sinilis = gambar lingkar keruh keabu-abuan di dalam pertemuan sclerocorneal mata, yang terjadi pada lansia Blepharochalasis = menurunnya kulit kelopak mata geroderma = atropi kulit menjadi tipis dan mengkerut gerontopia, senopia = second sight presbyacusia, presbycusis = gangguan persepsi dan diskriminasi pendengaran pada lansia Presbyopia = gangguan pengelihatan akibat perubahan akomodasi pada lansia
7. progera of adult. = lansia prematur termasuk 7. progera of adult = lansia prematur termasuk rambut cepat berubah warna, botak, alis menipis, kerut halus sekitar mulut, dan lain-lain. senescent (senile) pruriti = rasa gatal, kulit kering sehingga mudah tergores diikuti bentuk excoriasi dan eczymatous senescent tremor = pada lansia umumnya intention tremor akibat banyak etiologi, jarang yang tremor konstan.
BERBAGAI GANGGUAN MENTAL PADA DEWASA TUA A ISTILAH DIAGNOSTIK: 1. Alzheimer’s disease 2. Organic brain syndrome 3. Pick’s disease 4. Senescent (senile) psychoses a. Delirium and confusion b. Depression and agitation c. Paranoia d. Presbyophrenia e. Senile dementia
B. ISTILAH SIMTOMATIK 1. agnosia = sensory inability to recognize objects Kode ICD-10 (39) (bodyimage)(tactile) (other senses) R48.1 Agnosia verbal developmental F80.2 [333] F80.2 Receptive language disorder 2. aloneness = a feeling of being forsaken or left alone due to the loss of family members and friends
3. alienation = estrangement felt by the aged individual in a cultural environment that he considers undesirable, unpredictable, and detrimental to his way of life Kode ICD-10 (40) mental (see also Psychosis) F29 [299] F29 Unspecified nonorganic psychosis Incl.: ... Excl.: ...
apraxia = total disability to execute purposeful movement although muscle strength, coordination and sensibility appear intact. Kode ICD-10 (59) (classic)(ideational)(ideo- kinetic)(ideomotor)(motor) (verbal) R48.2 - occulomotor, congenital (H51.8) [771] R48 ada Excl.: .... R48.2 Apraxia
confabulation. = making up tales to fill in. memory gaps confabulation = making up tales to fill in memory gaps. The patient is not construing deliberate falsehoods but believes his fantasies to be true. Kode ICD-10 (601) Syndrome amnesic, amnesic (confabulatory)(due to) F1X.6 (?) [289-292] F10.6 Amnestic syndrome Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol
disengagement = a term used by Cumming and disengagement = a term used by Cumming and Henry in reference to an inevitable mutual withdrawal of the aging individual resulting in decreased social interaction. 7. depression = morbid sadness, melancholy, dejection out of proportion with loss or injury endured; frequently observed in the aged. Kode ICD-10 (194) F32.9 [303] F32.9 Depressive episode, unspecified
8. grief reaction = a bereavement by the death of, or separation from a significant person which may be first expressed by a feeling of numbness and later by profound yearning for the lost one, restlessness and psychophysiologic response. It may also be related to matters of importance such as enforced retirement or loss of home Kode ICD-10 (550) F43.2 [309] F43.2 Adjustmen disoders
Rigidity = an abnormal resistant to change 9. Regression = return to infantile patterns of reacting, seen in psychosis, severe illness and under other circumstances. Catatan: Senility R54 Senile psychosis (F03) Rigidity = an abnormal resistant to change
LATIHAN 1 Tulis arti istilah: 1. agnosia 2. alienation 3. aloneness 4. apraxia 5. confabulation 6. disengagement 7. grief reaction 8. depression 9. regression 10. rigidity