Mengapa Strategi Gagal Diterapkan? Amin Wibowo FEB UGM
Lima Elemen Utama Strategi Dimana perusahaan akan aktif? Kategori produk? Segmen pasar? Area geografis? Teknologi? Tahap kreasi nilai? Arena Staging Differentiations Vehicles Economic Logic Bagaimana pengembangan akan dilakukan? Pengembangan internal? Aliansi strategik? Joint ventures? Licensing/franchising? Spin off? Bagaimana kecepatan dan tahapan eksekusi strategi? Kecepatan ekspansi? Tahapan inisiatif? Bagaimana perusahaan akan mendapatkan returns? Biaya lebih rendah melalui keunggulan skala? Biaya lebih rendah melalui keunggulan scope dan replikasi? Harga premium melalui keunggulan kualitas produk? Harga premium melalui layanan yang unik? Bagaimana memenangkan persaingan? Harga? Citra? Pelayanan terintegrasi? Customization? Kualitas produk?
Crafting vs. Executing Strategy Crafting the Strategy Primarily a market-driven activity Successful strategy making depends on Business vision Perceptive analysis of market conditions and company capabilities Attracting and pleasing customers Outcompeting rivals Using company capabilities to forge a competitive advantage Executing the Strategy Primarily an operations-driven activity Successful strategy execution depends on Doing a good job of working through others Good organization-building Building competitive capabilities Creating a strategy-supportive culture Getting things done and delivering good results
Alat untuk membantu implementasi strategi?
Strategy: the direction and scope of the company over the long term. Structure: the basic organization of the company, its departments, reporting lines, areas of expertise and responsibility (and how they inter-relate). Systems: formal and informal procedures that govern everyday activity, covering everything from management information systems, through to the systems at the point of contact with the customer (retail systems, call center systems, online systems, etc). Strategy: the direction and scope of the company over the long term. Structure: the basic organization of the company, its departments, reporting lines, areas of expertise and responsibility (and how they inter-relate). Systems: formal and informal procedures that govern everyday activity, covering everything from management information systems, through to the systems at the point of contact with the customer (retail systems, call center systems, online systems, etc).
THE SOFT S’s Skills: the capabilities and competencies that exist within the company. What it does best. Shared values: the values and beliefs of the company. Ultimately they guide employees towards 'valued' behavior. Staff: the company's people resources and how the are developed, trained and motivated. Style: the leadership approach of top management and the company's overall operating approach.
Key Performance Drivers (KPD’s) dan Key Performance Outcomes KPO’s)
A Strategy Map
Organizational Culture Inventory
Satisfaction vs. Security Needs Higher Order Needs Lower Order
Task vs. People Orientation Task-Centered People-Centered
OCI Ideal Culture Profile Ideal culture from 560 individuals 56 randomly-selected organizations across many industries and nations. We all want the same predominantly constructive culture.
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