Teleconference 4 Program Pra Doktor 5 Maret 2015 Jam 11:00 -13:00.


Presentasi serupa
Menggunakan Makalah Systematic Review untuk Menulis Disertasi

HIV/AIDS & Mobility in Indonesia Yayasan Satudunia, 11 Juni 2009.
PELACAKAN PUBLIKASI ILMIAH oleh : Alberta Tri Prasetyowati S
Tujuan Pertemuan Memperkenalkan penggunaan hasil Systematic Review (SR) untuk menemukan masalah penelitian. Memperkenalkan telaah pustaka yg melengkapi.
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Menggunakan Makalah Systematic Review untuk Menulis Disertasi
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Transcript presentasi:

Teleconference 4 Program Pra Doktor 5 Maret 2015 Jam 11:00 -13:00

Pokok Bahasan Teleconference 3 & 4 Senin 2/3: Melacak makalah penelitian empirik (PE) pasca SR. Kamis 5/3: Critical Appraisal (CA) makalah PE.

Makalah PE yang akan direview Makalah2 PE yg telah direview Masalah & Tujuan Penelitian Awal Masalah & Tujuan Penelitian Diperbarui Makalah2 PE yg akan direview ?

Masalah Penelitian mempertanyakan hubungan intervensi-hasil yg lemah atau tidak valid pd penelitian2 sebelumnya Penyebab a.Kerangka konsep yg tidak valid b.rancangan penelitian yg lemah c.pelaksanaan penelitian yg tidak sesuai rencana. Pemecahan a.Meningkatkan validitas Kerangka Konsep b.Meningkatkan kekuatan rancangan c.Meningkatkan kesaksamaan pelaksanaan.

Tanggal terbit terakhir makalah yg direview SR?  lacak makalah2 PE dgn masalah penelitian sama yg terbit sejak tanggal tsb sampai sekarang  Review lebih lanjut (Jenis Review?) Kegunaan: a. mengetahui sampai di mana perkembangan pemecahan masalah penelitian  Masalah & Tujuan Penelitian diperbarui. b. Menyusun Bab II proposal  Mencari masukan utk memecahkan masalah penelitian.

Reviews of increasing complexity from narrative to systematic reviews... Sumber: Jenis Review Makalah PE  Mutu Kegunaan

Contoh Topik: DOTS Kata Kunci: DOTS Makalah SR: Volmink, J., & Garner, P. (2007). Directly observed therapy for treating tuberculosis. The Cochrane Library. Batas akhir review: 13 AUG Kesimpulan: DOT tidak menunjukkan ketaatan berobat dan kesembuhan yg lebih lebih baik dibandingkan pengobatan anti TB tanpa pengawasan. Bagaimana Review lebih lanjut dikerjakan?

BioMed Central: adherence-to-treatment AND tuberculosis  56 items Treatment adherence among sputum smear- positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in mountainous areas in China Song Yao, Wen- Hui Huang, Susan van den Hof, Shu-Min Yang, Xiao-Lin Wang, Wei Chen, Xue-Hui Fang, Hai- Feng Pan BMC Health Services Research 2011, 11:341 (16 December 2011) Treatment adherence among sputum smear- positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in mountainous areas in China

TB treatment initiation and adherence in a South African community influenced more by perceptions than by knowledge of tuberculosis Jane M Cramm, Harry JM Finkenflügel, Valerie Møller, Anna P Nieboer BMC Public Health 2010, 10:72 (17 February 2010) TB treatment initiation and adherence in a South African community influenced more by perceptions than by knowledge of tuberculosis Patient-centred tuberculosis treatment delivery under programmatic conditions in Tanzania: a cohort study Saidi Egwaga, Abdallah Mkopi, Nyagosya Range, Vera Haag-Arbenz, Amuri Baraka, Penny Grewal, Frank Cobelens, Hassan Mshinda, Fred Lwilla, Frank van Leth BMC Medicine 2009, 7:80 (21 December 2009) Patient-centred tuberculosis treatment delivery under programmatic conditions in Tanzania: a cohort study

The impact of smoking on adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis infection The impact of smoking on adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis infection Mélanie Lavigne, Isabelle Rocher, Colin Steensma, Paul Brassard BMC Public Health 2006, 6:66 (14 March 2006)

Isi Bahasan Telecoference 4 Masing-masing makalah PE yang ditemukan diCA untuk dinilai apakah kesimpulan hasil penelitian valid. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian: Hipotesis Penelitian (HP) didukung/tidak didukung. Kemungkinan keluarannya: (a) kesimpulan valid HP didukung; (b) kesimpulan valid HP tidak didukung; atau, (c) kesimpulan tidak valid.

Contoh Makalah PE Song Yao, Wen-Hui Huang, Susan van den Hof, Shu-Min Yang, Xiao-Lin Wang, Wei Chen, Xue- Hui Fang, Hai-Feng Pan. (2011). Treatment adherence among sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in mountainous areas in China. BMC Health Services Research 2011, 11:341 (16 December 2011)Treatment adherence among sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in mountainous areas in China

Hirarki Bukti Sumber:

Conclusion: In these mountainous areas of China, the TB control program is not fully functioning according to the guide- lines. The majority of patients are not treated under direct observation, while direct observation by health care staff was associated with better adherence, both to drug therapy and re-examinations. Measures should be taken urgently in these areas to strengthen implementa- tion of the Stop TB strategy Kesimpulan: Hipotesis Penelitian didukung  Kesimpulan valid?

Kesimpulan tidak valid jika: a.Kerangka konsep tidak valid b.Rancangan penelitian lemah c.Pelaksanaan penelitian tidak sesuai rencana.