Mangapul P.Tambunan/EkoLink/Geografi 1 Filsafat Ilmu Obyek Materi Manusia Antrosentratisme Obyek Form (Prespektif) Sudut Pandang Cara Berpikir Cara Analisis Cara Kesimpulan Cara Bertindak Ilmu Geografi EkologiEkologi & I. L i n g k u n g a n Diagram Alir Filsafat Ilmu: Geograf & Environments
Mangapul P.Tambunan/EkoLink/Geografi 2 The Geographer Perspective (e.g. Economic Geography) They certainly raise the important geographical questions of location and accessibility, of relationships between settlements and land use, of changing transport and communication linkages, of efficient flows of commodities, and of the spread of ideas and innovations. They also raise questions about center-periphery relations at a hierarchy of scales ranging from a farmer’s access to a market to connections between first and third worlds.
Mangapul P.Tambunan/EkoLink/Geografi 3 Ilmu Geografi Physical Geography Human Geography Regional Geography Geomorfologi Klimatologi Geologi Hidrologi Pedologi, et-all Geografi Kota Geografi Pertanian Geografi Penduduk, et-all Fungsional/ Nodal Area/ Region Diagram Alir Klasifikasi Ilmu Geografi:
Mangapul P.Tambunan/EkoLink/Geografi 4 The Field of Geography Geography is concerned with place. Geographers describe the changing pattern of places, explain How these patterns evolved, and attempt to unravel their meaning. Geography’s continuing quest is to understand the physical and cultural features of places and their natural setting on the face of the earth. Geography uses a distinctive language-the language of maps. A Map reveals human excitement, wonder, and concern for spatial relations.
Mangapul P.Tambunan/EkoLink/Geografi 5 To better understand the fundamennantal concepts of geography we will turn to later, it is useful first to take a brief look at these three approaches: 1. Human – Environmental relations 2. Areal Differantiation 3. Spatial Organization Concepts of Geography
Mangapul P.Tambunan/EkoLink/Geografi 6 Pengetahuan Geografi Membuat & Membaca Peta Region Nodal & Region Formal dan Regional Menjawab permasalahan dimana, kapan, bagaimana dan kenapa