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TAKSONOMI TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Dr. Sardianto MS., M.Si., M.Pd. Dosen Pendidikan Fisika & Teknologi Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya PEKERTI UNSRI 2016.

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Presentasi berjudul: "TAKSONOMI TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Dr. Sardianto MS., M.Si., M.Pd. Dosen Pendidikan Fisika & Teknologi Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya PEKERTI UNSRI 2016."— Transcript presentasi:

1 TAKSONOMI TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Dr. Sardianto MS., M.Si., M.Pd. Dosen Pendidikan Fisika & Teknologi Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

2 Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah melalui diskusi tanya jawab pada pelatihan ini, peserta pekerti mampu untuk : 1.Mendefinisikan tujuan pembelajaran. 2.Membedakan jenis-jenis tujuan dalam pendidikan. 3.Mendefinisikan domain cognitive, affective and psychomotor. 4.Memformulasikan tujuan pembelajaran dari ketiga domain tersebut. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016


4 Goals vs Objectives Course goals  Describe the overall purpose of the course within the larger curriculum Course objectives  Break down goals into measurable behaviors that demonstrate competency  Ensure successful accomplishment of course goals PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

5 Characteristics of Goals Broad, vague General intentions or observations Intangible Abstract Cannot be validated PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

6 Characteristics of Learner Objectives Narrow, limited Precise Concrete Measurable Competency based Always stated in terms of the learner PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

7 Characteristics (Qualities) of Objectives: RELEVANT: Conform to the needs of the learner and institutional objectives. UNEQUIVOCAL: Clear action verbs are used. FEASIBLE: Be within the limit of time and resources available. OBSERVABLE: E.g. written, spoken, performed, etc. MEASURABLE: E.g. rating, grading, marking, etc. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016


9 Purpose of Writing Objectives Guide the development of instructional activities (choosing instructional material, content, media & method) Inform teachers & students of the desired competencies Guide the development of assessment and evaluations PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

10 Components of a SLO Audience Content (Observable Behavior) Condition of performance Degree/criteria PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

11 Audience The learner – who will be doing the behavior  Undergraduate students  Graduate students  Professionals  Government personnel PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

12 Observable Behavior / Content What will the learner be able to do as a result of learning? Example: ……… will diagnose anemia…….. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

13 Condition What are the conditions under which the learners must demonstrate their mastery of the objective? Example: ….. On the basis of detailed hematological picture described in patient’s records. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

14 Degree or Criteria What are the standards of acceptable performance - Quantity, quality, efficiency durability? Example: …… in 100% of cases….. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

15 AudienceThe students will be able to Behavior/ Performance (obligatory) What the learner is expected to be able to do, what is the learner doing when demonstrating achievement of the objective Condition (optional) Identifies important condition (if any)of under which his performance is to occur. Criteria (optional) Describe how well the learner meet perform in order to be considered acceptable. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

16 Complete SLO The student should be able to diagnose anemia in 100% of cases on the basis of a detailed hematological picture described in the patient’s records. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

17 According to the domains of learning: 1.Cognitive domain 2.Affective domain 3.Psycomotor domain According to the level of objectives: 1. Institutional 2. Departmental 3. Specific Learning / Instructional Objective (SLO) PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

18 Taxonomy of Educational Domain Taxonomy means 'a set of classification principles', or 'structure', and Domain simply means 'category‘. The most well known description of learning domains was developed by Benjamin Bloom. It is known as : “Bloom’s Taxonomy” PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

19 A taxonomy classifies information into a hierarchy of levels. Domain taxonomies reveal that what educators want students to accomplish ( expressed by educational objectives) can be arranged into levels of complexity, and that those levels are best fulfilled sequentially. Domain Taxonomies PEKERTI UNSRI 2016


21 Three Domains of Learning Cognitive Domain “Thinking” Affective Domain “Feeling” Psychomotor Domain “Doing” PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

22 1. Cognitive domain The mental or intellectual thinking behaviors demonstrated by an individual Bloom’s Taxonomy is an order of learning with six levels PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

23 DOMAINS OF EDUCATION (Formulated by Bloom) PEKERTI UNSRI 2016


25 1. KNOWLEDGE Recalling, Remembering, and Recognizing. Emphasizing facts, information, and specifics. Involves remembering material in form very close to how it was originally presented. Depends upon memorizing or identifying facts without asking beyond. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan hapalan saja Kemampuan mengetahui atau mengingat istilah, fakta, aturan, urutan, metode, dan sebagainya PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

26 2. COMPREHENSION Describing and Explaining Grasping the meaning and intent of the material. Deals with content and involves ability to understand what is being communicated. Peserta didik dituntut untuk menyatakan masalah dengan kata-katanya sendiri, memberi contoh suatu prinsip atau konsep. Kemampuan menterjemahkan, menafsirkan, memperkirakan, memahami isi pokok, mengartikan tabel, dan sebagainya PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

27 3. APPLICATION Applying Information Using what is remembered and comprehended. Applies learning to real life, new, and/or concrete situations. It is ability to use knowledge and learned material in meaningful ways. Peserta didik dituntut untuk menerapkan prinsip dan konsep dalam suatu situasi yang baru Kemampuan memecahkan masalah, membuat bagan, menggunakan konsep, kaidah, prinsip, metoda, dan sebagainya PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

28 4. ANALYSIS Reasoning Breaking material into parts and determining the relationships of these parts to each other and to the whole. Analyzing Relationships Taking one portion or piece at a time to clarify the overall idea. Peserta didik diminta untuk menguraikan informasi ke dalam beberapa bagian, menemukan asumsi, membedakan fakta dan pendapat, dan menemukan hubungan sebab dan akibat. Kemampuan memisahkan, membedakan, seperti merinci bagian-bagian, hubungan antara, dan sebagainya PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

29 5. SYNTHESIS Creating Putting together parts and elements into a new form. Organizing ideas into new patterns and putting materials together in a structure which was not there before. Peserta didik dituntut menghasilkan suatu cerita, komposisi, hipotesis, atau teorinya sendiri, dan mengsintesiskan pengetahuan Kemampuan menyusun, seperti karangan, rencana, program kerja PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

30 6. EVALUATION Evaluating Judging the values of ideas, methods, materials, procedures, and solutions by developing and/or using appropriate criteria. Peserta didik mengevaluasi informasi, seperti bukti sejarah, editorial, teori-teori, dan termasuk di dalamnya melakukan judgement terhadap hasil analisis untuk membuat kebijakan. Kemampuan menilai berdasar norma. Seperti menilai sebuah karangan. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016


32 Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Creative ThinkingCritical Thinking Cognitive Domain Levels PEKERTI UNSRI 2016





37 2. Affective domain An individual’s emotions, attitudes, appreciations, interests, and/or values about “something” or someone PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

38 2. Affective domain Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) (feelings, emotions and behaviour, ie., attitude, or 'feel') PEKERTI UNSRI 2016



41 (1) Receiving : Merupakan tingkat afektif yang terendah, meliputi penerimaan secara pasif terhadap suatu masalah, situasi, gejala, nilai dan keyakinan. Misalnya mendengarkan dengan seksama penjelasan guru / dosen tentang energi dan panas Kemampuan menjadi peka tentang sesuatu hal dan menerima sebagai adanya (2) Responding : Merupakan bagian afektif yang meliputi keinginan dan kesenangan menanggapi atau merealisasikan sesuatu sesuai dengan nilai-nilai yang dianut masyarakat. Misalnya menyerahkan laporan praktikum/tugas tepat waktu. Kerelaan memperhatikan dan berpartisipasi dalam suatu kegiatan (3) Valuing : Mengacu pada nilai dan kepercayaan terhadap gejala atau stimulus tertentu. Reaksi-reaksi yang dapat muncul seperti menerima, menolak atau tidak menghiraukan. Misalnya menunjukkan rasa tanggung jawab terhadap alat-alat laboratorium yang dipakai waktu praktikum dan bersikap jujur dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Kemampuan memberi nilai dan menentukan sikap PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

42 (4) Organization : Meliputi konseptualisasi nilai-nilai menjadi satu sistem nilai. Sikap- sikap yang membuat lebih konsisten dapat menimbulkan konflik- konflik internal dan membentuk suatu sistem nilai internal. Sikap yang ditunjukkan misalnya mampu menimbang akibat positif dan negatifnya tentang kemajuan sains terhadap kehidupan umat manusia. Kemampuan membentuk sistem nilai sebagai pedoman hidup (5) Characterization : Merupakan keterpaduan semua sistem nilai yang telah dimiliki seseorang yang mempengaruhi pola kepribadian dan tingkah lakunya. Misalnya bersedia mengubah pendapat jika ditunjukkan bukti-bukti yang tidak mendukung pendapatnya. Kemampuan menghayati nilai sehingga menjadi pegangan hidup PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

43 Psychomotor domain Physical activities involving gross and/or fine motor skills, such as coordination, dexterity, strength, manipulation, and speed Ranah psikomotor tampak dalam bentuk keterampilan manual fisik (skills) dan kemampuan bertindak individu. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

44 Psychomotor domain Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills) (manual and physical skills, ie., skills, or 'do') PEKERTI UNSRI 2016


46 Physicomotor Domain KREATIVITAS: Kemampuan Menciptakan pola baru PENYESUAIAN: Kemampuan mengubah dan mengatur kembali GERAKAN KOMPLEKS: Berketerampilan luwes, lancar, gesit, lincah GERAKAN TERBIASA: Keterampilan yang berpegang pada pola GERAKAN TERBIMBING: Kemampuan meniru contoh KESIAPAN: Kemampuan bersiap diri secara fisik PERSEPSI: Kemampuan memilah-milah dan kepekaan terhadap berbagai hal Rendah Tinggi PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

47 Jenjang Tujuan Belajar Domain Psikomotor NATURALISASI : (1) Penampilan alamiah, (2) Efisiensi & Efektivitas gerak MERANGKAI : (1) Mengkoordinasikan gerak, (2) Konsistensi internal MEMANTAPKAN : (1) Mencermati penampilan, (2) Mengoreksi kesalahan MENERAPKAN : (1) Mengikuti petunjuk, (2) Menampilkan gerak MENIRU : (1) Mengamati, (2) Mencontoh gerak PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

48 Psychomotor Domain Gerakan refleks, gerakan yang tidak disadari. Keterampilan gerakan-gerakan dasar, yaitu gerakan yang menuntut kepada keterampilan yang sifatnya kompleks. Kemampuan perseptual, termasuk membedakan visual, auditif, motoris. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

49 Kemampuan dalam bidang fisik, misalnya kekuatan, keharmonisan dan ketepatan. Gerakan-gerakan skill,mulai dari keterampilan sederhana sampai kompleks. Kemampuan yang berkenaan dengan komunikasi, seperti gerakan ekspresif dan interpretatif. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

50 Readiness : The learner should be in a state of mental, Physical and emotional readiness. Observation : The learner shall observe the steps of CPR. Perception : The learner shall become able to perform CPR. Response : The learner shall perform effective CPR independently in hospital setup. Adaptation : The learner shall perform CPR on victims of accident in the road side. Organization : The learner shall modify CPR protocol to make it more effective. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

51 Review CognitiveAffectiveBehavioral ThinkingFeelingDoing HeadHeartHands PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

52 Cognitive Domain Levels LevelDescriptionVerbs KnowledgeTo recall or recognize information in some pre-arranged form. Define List Comprehen- sion To understand meaning of information based on prior learning. Describe Explain Interpret ApplicationTo utilize information to complete a task with limited direction. Compute Solve Use AnalysisTo classify and relate assumptions or evidence. Contrast Examine SynthesisTo integrate or combine ideas into a new product or plan. Design Develop Organize EvaluationCritique idea based on specific standards and criteria. Appraise Judge Justify PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

53 Affective Domain Levels LevelDescriptionVerbs ReceivingBeing aware of, or attending to something in the environment. Listen Notice Tolerate RespondingShowing some new behavior as a result of experience. Comply Enjoy Follow ValuingShowing some definite involvement or commitment. Carry out, Express OrganizationIntegrating a new value into one's general set of values relative to other priorities. Choose Consider Prefer Characterizatio n Acting consistently with the new value; person is known by the value. Act on Depict Exemplify PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

54 Psychomotor Domain Levels LevelDescriptionVerbs PerceivingRecognizing movement position or pattern.Listen Observe PatterningReproducing movement position or pattern.Imitate Practice AccommodatingUsing or modifying movement position or pattern. Adjust Modify RefiningDemonstrating efficient control in performing pattern. Improve Master VaryingPerforming movement pattern in different ways. Design Develop ImprovisingOriginating novel movement or movement combinations. Construct Invent ComposingCreating unique movement pattern.Create Invent PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

55 Types of objectives 2. According to level of objective: 1.Institutional (general) 2.Departmental (intermediate) 3.Specific instructional/behavioral 1.Institutional (general) E.g. At the end of training at medical college the medical graduate should be able to: Diagnose and perform first level management of acute emergencies promptly & efficiently. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016

56 2.Departmental (intermediate) E.g. At the end of the training in the Dept. of Medicine the students should be able to : Perform methods of first level management of acute emergencies in medicine. 3.Specific instructional (SLO)/behavioral E.g. At the end of the training sessions the students should be able to: Perform C.P.R. measures outside the hospital also without any access to modern resuscitative equipments. PEKERTI UNSRI 2016


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