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LOGO Differences in Culture Gek Sintha M.J. Wika, S.E. M.Sc.

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Presentasi berjudul: "LOGO Differences in Culture Gek Sintha M.J. Wika, S.E. M.Sc."— Transcript presentasi:

1 LOGO Differences in Culture Gek Sintha M.J. Wika, S.E. M.Sc.


3 Introduction  Cross-cultural literacy: sebuah pemahaman mengenai bagaimana perbedaaan budaya antara dan dalam sebuah negara dapat mempengaruhi jalannya sebuah bisnis.  Terdapat hubungan antara budaya dan biaya berbisnis di sebuah negara atau wilayah.  Budaya sifatnya dinamis, perilaku MNEs dapat berkontribusi dalam merubah kebudayaan.

4 Classroom Performance System Abstract ideas about what a society believes to be good right and desirable are called a) Attitudes b) Norms c) Values d) Mores

5 Determinant of Culture Concept B C D A Social Structure Religion Language Education

6 Social Structure Social Organization Social Stratification

7 Studi Kasus: Toyota Head Faces Culture Shock in U.S. (Nemawashi)


9 Religious and Ethical Systems Dominant Religions

10 Religious and Ethical Systems  Ethical systems: seperangkat prinsip, atau nilai-nilai moral, yang digunakan untuk memandu dan membentuk perilaku  Praktek-praktek etis individu dalam suatu budaya sering terkait erat dengan agama mereka

11 Language Spoken Unspoken

12 Education  Formal education is the medium through which individuals learn many of the language, conceptual, and mathematical skills that are indispensable in a modern society  The general education level of a country is a good indicator of the types of products that might sell in that location or the type of promotional materials that might be successful

13 Culture and the Workplace Question: Bagaimana budaya masyarakat berdampak pada nilai-nilai yang tumbuh di tempat kerja?  Studi untuk menjawab hal tersebut: Geert Hofstede 1.Power distance 2.Individualism versus collectivism 3.Uncertainty avoidance 4.Masculinity versus femininity


15 Implications for Managers Perbedaan dalam budaya menyiratkan bahwa: a. ada kebutuhan bagi para manajer untuk mengembangkan literasi lintas budaya b. ada hubungan antara budaya dan keunggulan kompetitif nasional c. ada hubungan antara budaya dan etika dalam pengambilan keputusan (dibahas dalam bab berikutnya)

16 Culture and Competitive Advantage  Untuk perusahaan internasional, koneksi antara budaya dan competitive advantage merupakan unsur yang penting, karena:  the connection suggests which countries are likely to produce the most viable competitors  the connection has implications for the choice of countries in which to locate production facilities and do business



19 Introduction  Etika mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip yang diterima dari benar atau salah yang mengatur perilaku seseorang, anggota profesi, atau tindakan organisasi  Etika bisnis adalah prinsip-prinsip yang diterima benar atau salah yang mengatur perilaku orang- orang bisnis

20 Ethical Issues in International Business 1 Employment practices 2 Human rights 3 Environmental regulations 4 Corruption 5 The moral obligation of multinational companies

21 Employment Practices Kasus: Aksi Mogok Kerja Berakhir Rusuh di Suzhou, China

22 Human Rights Question: What is the responsibility of a foreign multinational when operating in a country where basic human rights are not respected?  Basic human rights taken for granted in the developed world such as freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, and so on, are by no means universally accepted

23 Studi Kasus Kasus: Doing Business in Saudi Arabia Kasus: Chevron, Total Accused of Human-Rights Abuses in Burma

24 Environmental Pollution Question: Haruskah perusahaan multinasional merasa bebas berpolusi di negara sedang berkembang jika tindakan tersebut tidak melanggar hukum?  Ketika peraturan lingkungan di host nation jauh lebih rendah daripada di home nation, isu-isu etis muncul  Munculnya Tragedy of Common  Kasus: Unocal in Myanmar

25 Corruption Question: Is it ethical to make payments to government officials to secure business?  In the United States, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act outlawed the practice of paying bribes to foreign government officials in order to gain business  The Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) obliges member states to make the bribery of foreign public officials a criminal offense

26 Corruption  Some economists suggest that the practice of giving bribes might be the price that must be paid to do a greater good  In countries where preexisting political structures distort or limit the workings of the market mechanism, corruption in the form of black-marketeering, smuggling, and side payments to government bureaucrats to “speed up” approval for business investments may actually enhance welfare  However, other economists have argued that corruption reduces the returns on business investment and leads to low economic growth

27 Moral Obligations Question: Apakah perusahaan multinasional bertanggung jawab atas kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar? Konsep tanggung jawab sosial mengacu pada gagasan bahwa pebisnis harus mengambil konsekuensi sosial dari tindakan ekonomi ketika membuat sebuah keputusan bisnis, dan harus mempertimbangkan konsekuensi sosial dan ekonomi.

28 TUGAS  Video: Culture

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