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Presentasi berjudul: "URBAN REDEVELOPMENT TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2006"— Transcript presentasi:

Wita Simatupang & Yulianti Tanyadji

2 Urban Redevelopment Terminologies
(Confusion in) Urban Redevelopment Terminologies Urban renewal (Haussmanization-Paris 1860s; Housing Acts 1949-US) Urban redevelopment Urban revitalization Urban regeneration (British urban redevelopment) Comprehensive and integrated vision and action which leads to the resolution of urban problems and which seeks to bring about a lasting improvement in the economic, physical, social and environmental condition of an area that has been subject to change (Roberts & Sykes)

Inner City versus Sub Urban the motorcar and public transport improvement stimulates urban exodus (1920s till now ) cheaper land prices and low cost personal mobility the outward movement – slums clearance followed by rebuilding of large and new council estates (1950s ) the shifts of urban activities from manufacture to services leaving vast areas of urban dereliction, vacant buildings, unemployment, and poverty (1970s till now ) (Try to find illustrative numbers of this incidents in cities) Physical problem  Social and Economical Problems

Regions Limitations of land (i.e. Japan, Amsterdam, Singapore) Environmental issues Threats to (built up and natural) environment severe levels of congestion and air pollution consumption of green areas in adjacent areas Threats to quality of life Economy and Social Suburban development to some extent is very costly Possible higher benefit comparing to new development, i.e accessibility, opportunity for land value Specialty purposes, i.e. tourism Polarization between highly paid professional work and badly paid service job Politic Competition among cities Different stakeholder interest

The capital of Malta was shifted from Mdina to Valletta in the year Nowadays the strategic position of Malta is exploited for commercial and trading purposes. However the primary function of the harbours of Valletta is touristy. With an area of 0.78 km2 and a population of 6,800 Valletta houses a very small percentage of the country’s total inhabitants

6 METODE Problem Solving
identifikasi gejala yang muncul dan mencari penyebabnya (Problem Tree) identifikasi potensi mencari solusi diutamakan dengan mengutilisasi potensi-potensi yang ada (Solution Nets) Mengembangkan potensi-potensi

Bisnis pariwisata yang tidak berkembang dan kurang menghasilkan Malta termasuk dalam peta pariwisata Eropa, terutama karena daya tarik warisan budayanya (arsitektur, sejarah, lansekap, kria, kuliner) Penghasilan yang didapat oleh kota tidak optimal karena terbatasnya waktu singgah dan belanja turis Depopulasi versus Kepadatan Penduduk Valetta berkurang secara drastis, tetapi Valetta sangat padat terutama di siang hari al karena semua kantor pusat dari bisnis di Malta, perwakilan dari retail internasional, dll terletak di Valetta Indikasi depopulasi - ageing population, exodus of younger generation, properti yang kosong, dll Indikasi kepadatan – kemacetan dan parkir yang luar biasa, ritme bisnis restoran, dll Limitasi untuk Pengembangan Terhambat oleh kondisi properti (akan dibahas rinci berikut)

Kondisi bangunan dan lingkungan yang buruk sulit untuk ditangani antara lain disebabkan oleh pemberlakuan beberapa hukum properti dan konservasi yang mengikat INHERITANCE LAW multiple ownership DIFFICULTY IN MARKET TRANSACTIONS security for tenants difficulty in establishment of ownership owners lack incentive to maintain properties low returns from property frozen rent & tenants protected from eviction RENT LAW (1958) PHYSICAL DETERIORATION OF PROPERTIES tenants want to move to social housing in better conditions CONSERVATION LAWS expensive maintenance tenants lack incentive to maintenance more points for poorer conditions POINT SYSTEM FOR SOCIAL HOUSING Insufficient assistance for rehabili-tation

9 PENDEKATAN Mengembangkan potensi-potensi wisata yang berbasis pada masyarakat (orang) dan tidak hanya pada objek Memadukan pengembangan pariwisata dengan berfokus pada peningkatan kualitas lingkungan / hidup sehari-hari dan bukan investasi obyek skala besar untuk ‘mengundang’ masyarakat kembali ke Valetta (Return to Valetta) Optimize existing urban fabric by unlocking property investment via specific scheme and policy

10 PENDEKATAN Promote a holistic approach to tackle all the issues leading to building degradation, to ensure efficiency and coordination between the different actors Unlocking Frozen Property Event Activities and Supporting Amenities: Specific tourist trail, zoning amenities, etc. Creating opportunities for new facilities and functions, tourist facility (hotel) or community facility (sport gym, playground, public transport, better mobility) Upgrade the housing stock with modern facilities to enhance living conditions Improve the living quarters of the existing residents in order to stop depopulation of Valletta Restore the built environment in order to bring back the image of the city Better Marketing for Tourism Attract young middle class people to Valletta to balance the socio-economic demographic structure

11 SOLUSI Pembentukan Valletta Redevelopment body dengan tugas utama membuka kunci untuk memungkinkan investasi properti di Valletta khususnya properti yang dimilikasi oleh private Mengembangkan berbagai macam skema tergantung kepemilikan, baik properti kosong, properti yang ditempati oleh pemiliknya, properti yang ditempati oleh penyewa DIVISION OF SHARE – The profit obtained from a project will be used for covering running costs and for reinvestment in future projects 4. Owners have multiple options to realize assets: Convert share ownership into spatial ownership Convert share ownership into monetary return Maximise their share holdings by purchasing VAL.RED’s shares SPACE OWNERSHIP SHARE OWNERSHIP PROPERTY VALUE X = LM 40 CONSTRUCTION COST Y= LM 60 5. Perbaikan fisik (dibiayai oleh komponen construction cost) agar properti tersebut lebih menarik dan lebih livable OWNERS’ SHARE 40% VAL.RED’s SHARE 60%

12 SOLUSI Investasi untuk pariwisata terdiri dari 2 jenis:
Investasi properti yang sangat tergantung kepada keberhasilan ValRed Investasi yang dapat dilakukan mendahului keberhasilan ValRed Pembangunan pariwisata ditujukan bagi kebaikan penduduk lokal dan turis, dengan tujuan utama: 1. Meningkatkan waktu singgah dengan cara, al: menyediakan fasilitas untuk turis agar menginap – hotel, restoran, etc. Menambah jumlah akses points Meningkatkan kualitas wilayah seafront 2. Meningkatkan jumlah uang yang dibelanjakan oleh turis pada kegiatan ekonomi lokal membuat agenda kegiatan yang melibatkan kegiatan sehari-hari warga sekitar, seperti toko roti, bengkel kerajinan, dll memperbaiki dan melakukan investasi fasilitas dan infrastruktur publik, seperti penerangan, jalan – terutama yang merupakan kebutuhan sehari-hari sehingga mendorong ekonomi lokal untuk bertahan dan ikut berkembang melayani pariwisata

ISSUES OF CONCERN The concern for area consumption : development should be done without taken up more open spaces / green areas The concern for accessibility and capacity : development to be integrated with the capacity of the existing and proposed public transport system and the accessibility of different locations The concern for new series of needs : commercial floor space, housing, relevant skills, adequate transport and a high quality environment The concern for equity : many areas have not benefited from recent development in contrast with others

14 OBJECTIVE Objective 1 To accommodate London’s growth within its boundaries without encroaching on open spaces Objective 2 To make London a better city for people to live in Objective 3 To make London a more prosperous city with strong and diverse economic growth Objective 4 To promote social inclusion and tackle deprivation and discrimination Objective 5 To improve London’s accessibility Objective 6 To make London a more attractive, well-designed and green city Source : Mayor of London Spatial Development Strategy, 2004

15 London determines 3 sets of approach: Opportunity Areas
typically accommodate at least 5,000 jobs or 2,500 homes or a mix of the two, appropriate provision for facilities, include major Brownfield sites and places with potential for significant increases in density. Development will be geared to the use of public transport: either they already have good public transport access, or they require public transport improvements to support development  London Bridge , Waterloo, Vauxhall/Nine Elms/Battersea, Elephant and Castle Areas for Intensification have significant potential for more intensive use – and for more varied use – than at present where they are well served by public transport  Farringdon/Smithfield, Holborn, Euston, Tottenham Court Road, Victoria Arsenal/Holloway Areas for Regeneration those which currently suffer substantial social exclusion and economic deprivation, integrating spatial policies with policies for neighborhood renewal, better health, improved learning and skills, greater safety and better employment and housing opportunities will be especially important

Map of London North - South North of London Place for economic and social power (City of Westminster, City of London) South of London Place for industry, utility function and workers, badly war damaged (City of Lambeth, Southwark, etc) Slum areas, country estates, green fields and pleasure gardens, hub of industry and manufacturing; theatre and entertainment venues; railway terminus Area 5.5km of River Thames frontage

Economic and social deprivation; high unemployment rate (7-12%) Idle land in a very strategic location Region A strong need to become a more densely populated and densely developed city Environmental issues; kondisi lingkungan yang buruk akibat menurunnya aktifitas industri, properti skala besar yang kosong dan tidak terpakai, dan kondisi infrastruktur yang buruk

18 PENDEKATAN Redevelopment of Existing Major Facilities
London Bridge – new development include more than 50thsnd sqm office space and 18thsnd sqm retail space Waterloo Station – new establishment of Eurotrain route, incorporation of new capital

19 PENDEKATAN Construction of New Facilities
Theater, Gallery, Performance Area - many with reuse scheme, utilizing old industrial buildings Institutional buildings – Mayor’s office Commercial and Bussiness parks – utilizing abandoned land

20 PENDEKATAN Construction of New Facilities
Theater, Gallery, Performance Area - many with reuse scheme, utilizing old industrial buildings Institutional buildings – Mayor’s office Commercial and Bussiness parks – utilizing abandoned land

21 PENDEKATAN Construction of New Facilities
Theater, Gallery, Performance Area - many with reuse scheme, utilizing old industrial buildings Institutional buildings – Mayor’s office Commercial and Bussiness parks – utilizing abandoned land

22 PENDEKATAN Housing Redevelopment with attempts on community involvement, public private partnerships, cross subsidy scheme OXO Tower Coin Street housing development

23 PENDEKATAN Housing Redevelopment with attempts on community involvement, public private partnerships, cross sunsidy scheme OXO Tower Coin Street housing development

24 PENDEKATAN Housing Redevelopment with attempts on community involvement, public private partnerships, cross sunsidy scheme OXO Tower Coin Street housing development


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