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Kewirausahaan Ciri-ciri,Aspek,Memulai

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Presentasi berjudul: "Kewirausahaan Ciri-ciri,Aspek,Memulai"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Kewirausahaan Ciri-ciri,Aspek,Memulai

2 Entrepreneur Indonesia
Malaysia : 2,6 % Thailand : 2,7 % Singapura : 7,4 % IDEALNYA : 2 %

3 Entrepreneur An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of an enterprise, or venture, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. It is an ambitious leader who combines land, labour, and capital to create and market new goods or services Entrepreneur is the type of personality who is willing to take upon herself or himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome.

4 Ciri Excellent Entrepreneur:
1. Berani mengambil resiko 2. Menyukai tantangan 3. Punya daya tahan yang tinggi 4. Punya visi jauh ke depan 5. Memberikan yang terbaik  Inovator Sumber : Tri Utomo, Arifin Panigoro

5 Modal Dasar Mimpi Peluang Reputasi Kekuatan Pikiran Uang Pelatihan
Kepemimpinan & Kerja tim Jaringan Entrepreuner Belajar Teknologi Siswono Yudhohusodo

6 Ciri-ciri Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship wirausahawan andal (administrative entrepreneur)‏ wirausahawan unggul (innovative entrepreneur). Bill Gates Sumber : Itje Hermawan,

7 Wirausahawan andal (administrative entrepreneur)‏
a. Memiliki rasa percaya diri dan sikap mandiri yang tinggi untuk berusaha mencari penghasilan dan keuntungan melalui perusahaan. b. Mau dan mampu mencari dan menangkap peluang usaha yang menguntungkan serta melakukan apa saja yang perlu untuk memanfaatkannya. c. Mau dan mampu bekerja keras dan tekun dalam menghasilkan barang dan jasa serta mencoba cara kerja yang lebih tepat dan efisien.

8 Wirausahawan andal (2)‏
d. Mau dan mampu berkomunikasi, tawar-menawar dan memusyawarahkan dengan berbagai pihak yang besar pengaruhnya pada kemajuan usaha terutama para pembeli/ langganan (memiliki salesmanship). e. Menghadapi hidup dan menangani usaha dengan terencana, jujur, hemat dan disiplin. f. Mencintai kegiatan usahanya dan perusahaannya serta lugas dan tangguh tapi cukup luwes dalam melindunginya.

9 Wirausahawan andal (3)‏
g. Mau dan mampu meningkatkan kapasitas diri sendiri dan kapasitas perusahaan dengan memanfaatkan dan memotivasi orang lain (leadership, managerialship) serta melakukan perluasan dan pengembangan usaha dengan risiko yang moderat. h. Berusaha mengenal dan mengendalikan lingkungan, serta menggalang kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan dengan berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap perusahaan.

10 Tukang Sepatu : Bpk Moch Sodikun (90 thn)‏
tekun, jujur, enjoy

11 Wirausahawan unggul (innovative entrepreneur)‏
* Berpikir dan bertindak strategi, adaptif terhadap perubahan dalam berusaha mencari peluang keuntungan tenllasuk yang mengandung resiko agak besar dan dalam mengalami masalah. * Selalu berusaha untuk mendapatkan keuntungan melalui berbagai keunggulan dalam memuaskan langganan * Berusaha mengenal dan mengendalikan kekuatan dan kelemahan perusahaan (dan pengusahanya) Berta meningkatkan kemanpuan dengan sistem pengendalian intern. * Selalu berusaha meningkatkan kemampuan dan ketangguhan perusahaan terutama dengan pembinaan motivasi dan semangat kerja serta pemupukan permodalan.

12 Other characteristics
The entrepreneur has an enthusiastic vision, the driving force of an enterprise. The entrepreneur's vision is usually supported by an interlocked collection of specific ideas not available to the marketplace. The overall blueprint to realize the vision is clear, however details may be incomplete, flexible, and evolving. The entrepreneur promotes the vision with enthusiastic passion.

13 Other characteristics
With persistence and determination, the entrepreneur develops strategies to change the vision into reality. The entrepreneur takes the initial responsibility to cause a vision to become a success. Entrepreneurs take prudent risks. They assess costs, market/customer needs and persuade others to join and help. An entrepreneur is usually a positive thinker and a decision maker.

14 Advantages of entrepreneurship
Enormous personal financial gain Self-employment, offering more job satisfaction and flexibility of the work force Employment for others, often in better jobs Development of more industries, especially in rural areas or regions disadvantaged by economic changes, for example due to globalisation effects Encouragement of the processing of local materials into finished goods for domestic consumption as well as for export Income generation and increased economic growth Healthy competition thus encourages higher quality products More goods and services available

15 Advantages of entrepreneurship (2)‏
Development of new markets Promotion of the use of modern technology in small-scale manufacturing to enhance higher productivity Encouragement of more researches/ studies and development of modern machines and equipment for domestic consumption Development of entrepreneurial qualities and attitudes among potential entrepreneurs to bring about significant changes in the rural areas Freedom from the dependency on the jobs offered by others Ability to have great accomplishments Reduction of the informal economy Emigration of talent may be stopped by a better domestic entrepreneurship climate Serious tax advantages

16 Aspek Penting Memulai usaha
Memahami konsep produk atau jasa secara baik Membuat visi dan misi bisnis Perlunya winning, positive dan learning attitude untuk menjadi sukses Membuat perencanaan dan strategi bisnis yang efektif akan menghindari usaha daripada risiko bisnis dan keuangan

17 Aspek Penting Memulai usaha (2)‏
Pengetahuan dasar manajemen, organisasi dan sistem Optimalisasi sumber daya manusia Kreativitas, kepemimpinan dan proses pembuatan keputusan Pengetahuan dasar pengelolaan keuangan dan pembiayaan Pemasaran, pelayanan dan product brand Sumber : berdasar seminar Gerald Abraham,

18 Memulai Bisnis yang Sukses
Kerjakan apa yang Anda sukai Mulai bisnis Anda ketika Anda masih bekerja Jangan kerjakan hal tersebut sendirian Pertama dapatkan klien atau pelanggan Tulis perencanaan bisnis Lakukan riset Dapatkan bantuan profesional Dapatkan uang / modal Jadilah profesional semenjak memulai Jalankan hukum dan keluarkan pajak dengan benar pada kali pertama


20 Pendidikan menjadi kunci sukses keluar dari kesulitan dan membantu meraih keberhasilan usaha Jangan percaya pada mitos-miros terkait berwirausaha

21 MITOS 1 Wirausaha merupakan bakat dan keturunan
Kenyataannya : banyak pengusaha meraih sukses bukan hanya karena bakat dan keturunan

22 MITOS 2 Pengusaha adalah pelaku bukan pemikir
Kenyataannya : Banyak pengusaha yang bukan hanya sebagai pelaku di lapangan tetapi sebagai pemikir

23 MITOS 3 Wirausaha tidak bisa diajarkan dan dibentuk
Kenyataannya banyak karakteristik pengusaha bisa diciptakan

24 MITOS 4 Pengusaha adalah selalu sebagai investor
Kenyataannya banyak pengusaha meraih sukses bukan hanya sebagai investor tetapi sebagai inovator

25 MITOS 5 Pengusaha membutuhkan keberuntungan
Kenyataannya : sukses karena persiapan, belajar, inovasi, keuletan….

26 MITOS 6 Pengusaha harus selalu sukses dan tidak boleh gagal
Kenyataannya : banyak pengusaha meraih sukses karena belajar dari kegagalan

27 MITOS 7 Pengusaha adalah sama seperti penjudi
Pengusaha memperoleh hasil dengan memperhitungkan risiko

28 Membangun sifat pengusaha
Bersemangat dalam melihat dan mencari peluang-peluang baru Mengejar peluang dengan disiplin yang ketat Mengejar peluang yang sangat baik dan menghindari mengejar peluang yang belum jelas Berfokus pada pelaksanaan Mengikutsertakan energi setiap orang yang berada dalam jangkauan mereka

29 Motivasi Berprestasi Buatlah SWOT Analysis….. Internal Eksternal S W O

30 Strategic Planning : SWOT Analysis

31 Meaning Strengths: attributes of the person or company that are helpful to achieving the objective. Weaknesses: attributes of the person or company that are harmful to achieving the objective. Opportunities: external conditions that are helpful to achieving the objective. Threats: external conditions which could do damage to the objective.

32 Generating Strategies
How can we Use and Capitalize on each Strength? How can we Improve each Weakness? How can we Exploit and Benefit from each Opportunity? How can we Mitigate each Threat?

33 Personal SWOT Analysis
Things You'll Need: Imagination Pen Paper

34 How to Create a Personal SWOT Analysis http://www. ehow
Strengths - these are talents, education, skills, and abilities that you possess that others may not. Think of some things that you do better than anyone else. What are some personal resources that are available to you that others do not have access to? Ask your friends and family members what they see as your strengths. If you have difficulty developing this list, try writing down your personality and character traits. This list will most likely contain several of your strengths.

35 How to Create a Personal SWOT Analysis http://www. ehow
Weaknesses - this is perhaps one of the most difficult areas to evaluate because it requires being extremely honest with yourself. What are some areas in your life in which you could improve? What tasks should you steer clear of? What will your friends and family likely see as areas of weakness? It is best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant truths sooner rather than later.

36 How to Create a Personal SWOT Analysis http://www. ehow
Opportunities - a helpful method in developing this list is to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities. Next, look at your areas of weakness and ask yourself whether you could open up more opportunities by eliminating some of them.

37 How to Create a Personal SWOT Analysis http://www. ehow
Threats - identifying possible threats is a very important part of the SWOT analysis because it often contains the most severe obstacles that stand in the way of achieving your goals. Is your career (or the need for the things you do) changing? Are technology improvements threatening your position and source of income? Look again at your list of weaknesses and decide if any of these could actually be considered threats. If so, you must figure out a way to eliminate those weaknesses.

38 Contoh Strengths Work Experience
Education, including value-added features Strong technical knowledge within your field (e.g. hardware, software, programming languages) Specific transferable skills, e.g., communication, teamwork, leadership skills Communication: Research and Planning Human Relations Organization, Management and Leadership: Initiating new ideas; Handling details

39 Weaknesses Internal negative aspects that are under your control and that you may plan to improve Lack of Work Experience Low GPA, wrong major Lack of goals, lack of self-knowledge, lack of specific job knowledge Weak technical knowledge Weak skills (leadership, interpersonal, communication, teamwork) Weak job-hunting skills Negative personal characteristics (e.g., poor work ethic, lack of discipline, lack of motivation, indecisiveness, shyness, too emotional

40 Corporate Planning Set objectives – defining what the organization is going to do Environmental scanning Internal appraisals of the organization's SWOT, this needs to include an assessment of the present situation as well as a portfolio of products/services and an analysis of the product/service life cycle Analysis of existing strategies, this should determine relevance from the results of an internal/external appraisal. This may include gap analysis which will look at environmental factors Strategic Issues defined – key factors in the development of a corporate plan which needs to be addressed by the organization Develop new/revised strategies – revised analysis of strategic issues may mean the objectives need to change Establish critical success factors– the achievement of objectives and strategy implementation Preparation of operational, resource, projects plans for strategy implementation Monitoring results – mapping against plans, taking corrective action which may mean amending objectives/strategies.

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