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Presentasi berjudul: "CLINICAL GOVERNANCE Dr. ADIB A. YAHYA,MARS."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Clinical Governance is : "A framework through which health care organisations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care, by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish." (NHS)

3 Effective Clinical Governance ensures:
continuous improvement of patient services and care a patient centred approach that includes treating patients courteously, involving them in decisions about their care and keeping them informed a commitment to quality, which ensures that health professionals are up to date in their practices and properly supervised where necessary a reduction of the risk from clinical errors and adverse events as well as a commitment to learn from mistakes and share that learning with others The goal of clinical governance is for all staff to be striving to continuously improve care.

4 The term ‘clinical governance’ may seem to imply that it is the exclusive responsibility and domain of clinical staff – but this is not the case. It is everyone’s concern – the nurse, the GP, the dentist, the pharmacist, the receptionist, the cleaner – everyone in fact whose work impacts on the patient’s experience of healthcare So what does clinical governance really mean? Quite simply it is about: ‘HIGH QUALITY, ACCOUNTABLE CARE’

5 Clinical Governance requires changes at three levels: Individual health care professionals need to embrace change, adopting reflective practice which places patients at the centre of their thinking. Teams need to become true multi-disciplinary groups, where understanding about roles, about sharing information and knowledge and about support for each other becomes part of their everyday practice. The Healthcare organisation is also committed to embracing the changes required by putting systems and local arrangements in place to support you as an individual and the teams within which you work.

6 There are seven key components of Clinical Governance, known affectionately as
'The 7 Pillars' : Risk Management Clinical Audit Education, training and continuing personal and professional development Research and Development Information Patient and Carer experience and involvement Staffing and staff management


8 Patient and Public Involvement
Involving patient groups and local communities in all aspects of planning, provision, monitoring and evaluation of care is one of the key underpinning principles of clinical governance – and one that represents a fundamental culture shift for the HOSPITAL Patient and Public Involvement includes: Appointing a Patient Advice & Liaison Manager Providing patients with information about the services we provide Actively seeking patients views on those services, and making changes as a result Involving patients in the planning and delivery of services. Working with GP practices to establish Patient Participation Groups

9 Use of ‘Intelligent’ Information
Use of ‘Intelligent’ Information Accurate and appropriate information is vital. It can help identify the priority health needs of the local population, and assure the safety and quality of current clinical provision of care. Information we need includes: Robust and reliable public health information Robust and reliable comparative national data Robust and reliable clinical information Some of the work includes:   Ensuring we have a Data Protection Officer to oversee the confidentiality and security of information Monitoring the accuracy of performance and activity information received from secondary care providers Starting to collect community data with scanned forms Routinely making information on activity available to clinicians and staff

10 Risk Management Ensuring the safety of everyone who comes into contact with the health services is one of the most important challenges facing healthcare today. There are three important things we can do which will help promote patient safety: Put systems and processes in place to proactively identify clinical and non-clinical risk     Implement a systematic strategy to minimise them, monitor them and learn from them Promote a ‘fair blame’ culture, so that staff are willing to report their mistakes and near misses.  Some of the steps to take include: Introducing an electronic Incident Reporting System in order that we can record, analyse and monitor incidents and complaints. Introducing staff training on incident reporting and ‘Root Cause Analysis’ Disseminating learning from incidents across staff groups will be a key priority. Ensuring the Complaints Procedure is in place within the hospital. 

11 Research and Clinical Effectiveness
All clinical decisions and actions initiated by or on behalf of the HOSPITAL should be based upon a reliable, robust and ever developing evidence base. In order to promote this the HOSPITAL needs to develop systems to:  Promote and monitor clinical effectiveness Encourage and monitor the use of evidence based practice Some of the steps include: Developing and agreeing evidence based protocols of care Ensuring that the standards and guidelines are implemented throughout the HOSPITAL Providing training on searching for evidence is available to all staff. Developing systems to determine whether clinically effective practice is being implemented at grass roots level. Ensuring that research governance arrangements are in place Ensuring that evidence based prescribing is implemented  

12 Some of the steps include:
Clinical Audit Clinical Audit is a structured process, which ensures we are carrying out best practice by reviewing what we are doing, compared with that which we should be doing. It is seen as an essential component of professional practice and can demonstrate efforts being made to deliver high quality care to all patients. Some of the steps include: The development of a Clinical Audit Strategy The establishment of a Register to monitor Clinical Audit activity, progress and evaluation across all areas of the Services. Support, advice, guidance and training to all individuals or groups undertaking audits. The production of a Clinical Audit Guide for distribution to all interested parities. Providing a quarterly review of clinical audit activity to the Clinical Governance Committee.

13 Staffing and staff management
The quality of clinical care is intimately related to the quality and morale of the staff – and the way they are managed and supported. The ultimate aim is to have a staff group that is: Highly motivated Fully cohesive and effective in relation to current needs and demands Flexible enough to respond positively to changing need and patterns of care Some of the work includes: Introducing a corporate induction programme for all new employees Achieving Improving Working Lives Practice status Developing a range of Human Resources (HR) policies. Undertaking an Annual Staff Survey Developing the Hospital Newsletter, website and intranet site to help keep staff informed of key issues and associated information Holding a regular programme of open meetings so that staff can raise issues with the Chief Executive, directors and non-executive directors

14 Workforce Planning, Education and Training
Workforce Planning, Education and Training Staff are the most important resource in all HEALTHCARE organisations. Thoughtful and imaginative investment in staff development shows a real commitment to clinical governance. The importance of life long learning and leadership development is important not only for individuals and the teams in which they work, but also for the ongoing development of the HOSPITAL Some of the steps include: Developing a system to ensure equity of access to training and development opportunities via the Education Links system and by . Ensuring processes are in place to support a range of internal and external learning opportunities, higher and further education. Developing new roles and changes to work patterns to ensure we have the right workforce for future requirements.


16 PERAN Pimpinan RS : Koordinator : Penanggung Jawab
Prioritas “Patient Care” Menentukan Koordinator Membentuk Subkomite Clinical Governance Koordinator : Koordinasi dan monitor Dukungan terhadap Tim Departemen Review Kemajuan

17 Pengendali : Bertanggung Jawab kegiatan “day-to-day”
Mendukung Tim Clinical Gov Departemen Anggota terdiri dari : Perwakilan Tim Departemen Organisasi Pendidikan Manajemen Resiko Informasi

18 Pelaksana : Tiap Departemen membentuk tim Clin Gov
Melaksanakan arahan dari Pengendali Asessment kemampuan Departement Identifikasi kelemahan dan kekurangan pelayanan Perencanaan tahunan Departemen Komunikasi dan Disseminasi informasi intra maupun inter departemen Kebutuhan pendidikan

19 Penanggung Jawab (CEO) Koordinator (DirMed / KomKlin) 7 PILLARS Pengendali (SubKom.Clin Gov) internal external Standards Regulations Authority drivers drivers Pelaksana (Dept / Perorangan)

20 Langkah-Langkah Pengembangan Clinical Governance
Tiap departemen harus menyediakan waktu untuk mendiskusikan implikasi dari clinical governance. Bagaimana situasi di Departemen? Contoh pelayanan yang baik dan yang buruk? Di bagian mana perlu perbaikan dengan sumber daya yang tersedia? Bagaimana perbaikan dapat dicapai? Bagaimana dukungan nyata (staf,IT,perpustakaan,dsb) yang dibutuhkan? Bagaimana keterlibatan multidisipliner secara efektif dapat dicapai

21 Tiap departemen harus memiliki penanggung jawab untuk Nursing Clin Gov dan Medical Clin Gov
Tiap departemen mengembangkan programnya sendiri meliputi tujuan dan sasaran dengan azas prioritas Program departemen harus diketahui Pengendali, Koordinator dan Pimpinan Kebutuhan pelatihan untuk pengembangan kepemimpinan dan keterampilan khusus Pertemuan rutin antar Departemen Kembangkan jejaring dengan institusi kesehatan lain.

22 “Unwritten Rules” yang Menghambat  Status Quo
We know best My own work has no effect on others areas Clinician don’t need managers The more senior you are the more you know ! Don’t admit to mistakes Even though we talk about quality we only assess on the quantity But I’ve always done it this way

23 There are no rewards for doing well Everyone understands the jargon
It is wrong to seek answers / consult others Don’t fix it if it’s not bust Doctors time is more valuable than nurses Nothing ever changes Everything is changing all the time The pass was much better ( Adapted from : Cullen et al. British Journal of Clinical Governance 2000; 5(4): )

24 HARUS DI INGAT Clinical Governance suatu perkembangan yang evolusioner, bukan revolusioner. Cinical Governance sudah dijalankan bertahun-tahun tetapi dalam bentuk “fragmented,haphazard & instropective Clinical Governance is NOT just about systems, it is also about the CULTURE of an organization.



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