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Komunikasi, Informasi, Edukasi (KIE) dan Konseling Pasien

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Presentasi berjudul: "Komunikasi, Informasi, Edukasi (KIE) dan Konseling Pasien"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Komunikasi, Informasi, Edukasi (KIE) dan Konseling Pasien
MK Preskripsi Bag Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas Fak Farmasi Univ Jember

2 Arti Komunikasi KBBI ko·mu·ni·ka·si n 1 pengiriman dan penerimaan pesan atau berita antara dua orang atau lebih sehingga pesan yg dimaksud dapat dipahami; hubungan; kontak; 2 perhubungan;

3 Arti Informasi KBBI in·for·ma·si n 1 penerangan; 2 pemberitahuan; kabar atau berita tt sesuatu; 3 Ling keseluruhan makna yg menunjang amanat yg terlihat dl bagian-bagian amanat itu;

4 Arti Edukasi KBBI edu·ka·si /édukasi/ n (perihal) pendidikan

5 Arti Konseling KBBI kon·se·ling n 1 pemberian bimbingan oleh yg ahli kpd seseorang dng menggunakan metode psikologis dsb; pengarahan; 2 pemberian bantuan oleh konselor kpd konseli sedemikian rupa sehingga pemahaman thd kemampuan diri sendiri meningkat dl memecahkan berbagai masalah; penyuluhan

6 Komunikasi Efektif

7 Manfaat Komunikasi Efektif
Improved adherence with medication use Increased satisfaction with their relationship with the pharmacist Greater likelihood that patients will ask for help when it is needed, resulting in fewer unaddressed side effects and adverse effects. Improve patient trust in pharmacist advice and education. (MacLeod-Glover, 2006)

8 How We Communicate Verbally  through words
Visually  through the use of pictures or printed materials Kinesthetically  through body language Interpersonally  through social interaction Intrapersonally  within our self

9 Communication Process
Intended message Sender Medium Receiver Received message (Quintrell, 1994)

10 Communication Process
Intended message Sender Medium Receiver Received message As this medication will make you nauseated if taken with alcohol, you should avoid using alcohol while you are taking it. Avoid alcohol while taking this medication. Additional label on package Because of poor eyesight the patient cannot read the small print of additional label. Nill (Quintrell, 1994)




14 To ensure effective communication
Five Ss Be sincere Pharmacist’s attitude will affect patient adherence and therapeutic outcome Simple Short Specific Summarize (MacLeod-Glover, 2006)

15 Keep communication simple, short, and specific
Avoid unnecessary complexity Shorter words and sentences  recall more Three items of message The more specific the message or instructions, the more likely it will be adhered to

16 Summarize Repeating important messages “take home” messages
Dosing instructions When to take How to take

17 Questioning and Listening
Effective use of Questioning Listening To identify patient needs and drug related problems General and less personal at the beginning Open-ended vs close-ended questions Tips: The rate of questioning Never asking more than one question at a time Active listening is the basis for all good communication.

18 Communication barriers
Environmental barriers: Accessibility to the pharmacist, lack of quiet, private space to speak with patients Lack of time to engage in meaningful discussion with patients

19 Communication barriers
Patient barriers Lack of awareness of or respect for the pharmacist’s role Language difficulties Feeling uncomfortable asking questions about their medication or health issue To overcome: Supplement with print materials Maintain eye contact Encourage patients to ask questions

20 Communication barriers
Personal barriers Lack of confidence in their leadership and advisory Lack of knowledge about drugs or px history Inability to respond to patient cues Shyness Lack of awareness of cultural differences To overcome: Ensure to be easily identifiable as the pharmacist Develop an effective patient interview style

21 CounselLing

22 Definisi Konseling Kepmenkes Nomor 1027/MENKES/SK/IX/2004 tentang STANDAR PELAYANAN KEFARMASIAN Dl APOTEK “Konseling adalah suatu proses komunikasi dua arah yang sistematik antara apoteker dan pasien untuk mengidentifikasi dan memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan obat dan pengobatan.”

23 Konseling oleh Apoteker di AS
an: kode etik kefarmasian menyarankan apoteker untuk menghindari diskusi ttg obat dengan pasien Alasan?

24 Konseling Kepmenkes Nomor 1027/MENKES/SK/IX/2004 tentang STANDAR PELAYANAN KEFARMASIAN Dl APOTEK Apotek harus memiliki: “Ruangan tertutup untuk konseling bagi pasien yang dilengkapi dengan meja dan kursi serta lemari untuk menyimpan catatan medikasi pasien.”

25 Benefits of Counselling
Well-informed patients are more likely to use their medications correctly. The intervention of the pharmacist in the provision of advice on medicines improves medicine safety.

26 Counselling in the community pharmacy setting
This should be an integral part during dispensing of medicines. Kepmenkes 1027/MENKES/SK/IX/2004 “Sebelum obat diserahkan pada pasien harus dilakukan pemeriksaan akhir terhadap kesesuaian antara obat dengan resep. Penyerahan obat dilakukan oleh apoteker disertai pemberian informasi obat dan konseling kepada pasien.”

27 Counselling in the community pharmacy setting
Kepmenkes 1027/MENKES/SK/IX/2004 “Apoteker harus memberikan konseling, mengenai sediaan farmasi, pengobatan dan perbekalan kesehatan lainnya, sehingga dapat memperbaiki kualitas hidup pasien atau yang bersangkutan terhindar dari bahaya penyalahgunaan ataupenggunaan obat yang salah.“ “Untuk penderita penyakit tertentu seperti kardiovaskular, diabetes, TBC,asma dan penyakit kronis lainnya, apoteker harus memberikan konseling secara berkelanjutan.”

28 Counselling in the community pharmacy setting
Pharmacists should be visible and accessible for patients to request advice. Kepmenkes 1027/MENKES/SK/IX/2004 “Masyarakat harus diberi akses secara langsung dan mudah oleh apoteker untuk memperoleh informasi dan konseling.”

29 Counselling in the hospital setting
On admission During hospitalisation: needs assessment On discharge At outpatient clinics In rehabilitation settings.

30 Counselling process during dispensing of medicines
How and when to take or use a medicine How much to take or use How long to continue treatment What to do if a dose is missed How to recognise side-effects and minimise their occurrence Lifestyle and dietary changes Drug–drug and drug–nutrient interactions.

31 Written information Patient-specific written information
Patient information leaflets Warning cards (e.g. used for lithium, anticoagulant therapy, steroids, benzodiazepines) Leaflets on drug administration (e.g. pessaries, inhalers, nebulisers).


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