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1. Always show respect 2. See rule #1.  Tugas (kuis)20%  Praktik20%  UTS30%  UAS30%

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Presentasi berjudul: "1. Always show respect 2. See rule #1.  Tugas (kuis)20%  Praktik20%  UTS30%  UAS30%"— Transcript presentasi:

1 1. Always show respect 2. See rule #1

2  Tugas (kuis)20%  Praktik20%  UTS30%  UAS30%

3  Nina pada 3 kuis pertama mendapat nilai 6,8,7 (6+8+7) /3 = 7 (NA)  Nina pada 3 kuis selanjutnya mendapat 9,8,9 (9+8+9) /3= 8,6 (7+8,6) /2= 7,8  Nilai upaya nina 1,6 (+1)  Nilai akhir (tugas) 7,8+1= 8,8 (bisa dapat A) NU: ≤ 2 = +1 >2 - ≤3 = +2 >3 = +3 Nilai sempurna = +4

4 PASTRY 1 P1- DASAR PATISSERI OLEH : Kristian Triatmaja Raharja

5 PATISSERI Bahasa Perancis yaitu ” P ậ tisserie” Kue-kue yang berasa dari berbagai macam adonan yang dibentuk dan didekorasi yang mengandung cita rasa seni yang tinggi

6 Macam Adonan Batter Cake Cookies Bread Pastry

7 BATTER Adalah adonan cair tanpa bahan pengembang Terbuat dari tepung terigu, bahan cair, dan telur.

8 Adonan Thin Batter (perbandingan antara terigu dan bahan cair 1:2) Adonan Thick Batter (perbandingan antara terigu dan bahan cair 1:1)

9 Adonan yang terbuat dari terigu, gula, telur, lemak dan bahan pengembang - Plain cake - Rich cake - Sponge cake - Gingger cake CAKE

10 COOKIES Dibuat dengan menggunakan terigu, gula, lemak, telur, tanpa menggunakan bahan pengembang -jenisnya sama dengan cake tergantung dari penggunaan lemaknya

11 BREAD Dibuat dari terigu, gula, telur, lemak, dan ragi. -Straight Dough -Sponge Dough

12 PASTRY Dibuat dari terigu, lemak, air yang dibentuk lempengan atau lembaran -Short Crust Pastry -Suet Pastry -Flaky Pastry -Rough Puff Pastry -Choux Pastry

13 Personal Protective Clothing Aprons Use these apron guidelines: Make sure aprons are clean. Bacteria can quickly grow on dirty aprons. Change aprons when yours gets dirty. Always remove your apron if you leave the food preparation area. Always remove your apron to take out the garbage

14 Gloves Gloves should be worn to protect your hands from injury. Gloves also help protect against food contamination by bacteria and physical hazards.

15 Shoes Shoes are also a form of protective clothing. Shoes should be sturdy and have slip-resistant soles for safety. All shoes must have closed toes

16 Personal Injuries Slips and Falls Cuts Burns and Scalds Back Injuries and Strains

17 PENERAPAN HACCP DALAM DAPUR A systematic approach to the identification, evaluation, and control of food safety hazard, 1997, NACMCF, 1997

18 Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points Is a management tool used to protect the food supply against biological, chemical and physical hazards Is preventive, not reactive HACCP – What It Is ??

19 HACCP – It’s Purpose It is designed to prevent, eliminate and/or reduce, to an acceptable level, all hazards which have a reasonable likelihood of occurrence. Hazards may include –foodborne illnesses –physical hazards/injuries




23 Without personal hygiene there is no food safety Prevention must focus on personnel – personal cleanliness – illness – behaviour Food handlers can contaminate food

24 Slide 24Personal Hygiene in Food Production A healthy human is covered with microorganisms on hair (incl. beards and mustaches) in the nosein the mouth on the skin under the nails

25 Slide 25Personal Hygiene in Food Production The human gastro-intestinal tract excretes microorganisms 1 kg excretion

26 Slide 26 Personal Hygiene in Food Production time illness ends Ill people shed pathogenic microorganisms pathogens continue to be shed!shedding starts

27 Slide 27 Personal Hygiene in Food Production Wounds shed pathogenic microorganisms wound healed time

28 Slide 28 Personal Hygiene in Food Production Only minute amounts of certain pathogens can cause infections in humans Infections occur easily when just one food handler does not observe hand hygiene rules.

29 Slide 29 Personal Hygiene in Food Production Both direct and indirect routes of contamination exist Direct Indirect

30 Slide 30 Personal Hygiene in Food Production The fecal-oral route is the primary route of infection for foodborne microorganisms

31 Slide 31 Personal Hygiene in Food Production Washing hands is the most important food poisoning prevention Washing hands the right way only requires three elements: – running water, – soap, and – something to dry hands with. Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4

32 Slide 32Personal Hygiene in Food Production Hands need to be washed regularly and immediately – before working with food – after using toilet – after handling rubbish/waste – after smoking, coughing, sneezing, using tissue, eating, drinking, smoking – after touching hair or scalp or mouth Sanitizers do not replace hand washing

33 Slide 33 Personal Hygiene in Food Production Gloves are not cleaner than hands Change gloves as often as you should wash your hands!

34 Slide 34Personal Hygiene in Food Production A special dress code is required for EVERYONE who enters a food-handling area cover hair cover beards no jewelry clean protective clothing clean shoes

35 Slide 35Personal Hygiene in Food Production Forbidden behaviour in a food- handling environment

36 Slide 36Personal Hygiene in Food Production Personal hygiene can only ever be as good as the provided facilities Dirty facilities Clean facilities

37 Slide 37Personal Hygiene in Food Production Changing rooms, toilets and hand- washing facilities must be provided and kept clean



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