Attitude and Personality Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development Attitude ? A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior. A position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state. A feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this: It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes. Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development 3 Component of Attitude Believe Cognitive Belief, thought, the way you think, a point of view about something or asomeone Feeling Affective Like or dislike, emotion, the way you feel about something or someone Behaviour Conative Tend to, you behavior about something or someone Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development Positive Attitude Sikap positif adalah perwujudan nyata dari suasana jiwa yang terutama memperhatikan hal-hal yang positif. Merupakan keadaan individu yang fokus pada: Kegiatan kreatif dan bukan kegiatan yang membosankan Kegembiraan dan bukan kesedihan Harapan dan bukan keputus asaan Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development Positive Attitude Wujud sikap positif: Menampilkan keindahan, shg seseorang selalu dikenang, dihargai dan dihormati Menampilkan kepercayaan diri, shg seseorang merasa bhw ia patut dikenal dan diketahui Tampak melalui ekspresi wajah, cara berbicara, berjumpa dengan orang lain dan cara menghadapi masalah Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development Negative Attitude Sikap negatif harus dihindari karena hal ini mengarahkan seseorang pada kesulitan diri dan kegagalan Wujud sikap negatif: Menampilkan lebih dari sekedar muka sedih Menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain mengenai ketidak ramahan, tidak menyenangkan, dan tidak memiliki kepercayaan diri Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development How To behave Positively? Kuasai pikiran dengan penuh keyakinan Tetapkan pikiran pada apa yang diinginkan dan singkirkan apa yang tidak diinginkan Terapkan hukum utama Singkirkan semua pikiran negatif melalui pemeriksaan diri Berbahagialah! Buatlah orang lain bahagia! Bentuklah kebiasaan bertoleransi Berikan sugesti positif pada diri sendiri Gunakan kekuatan doa Tetapkan tujuan Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development Attitude Forms Agressive can cause physical or emotional harm to others. It may range from verbal abuse to physical abuse. Mental health conditions and brain damage can contribute to aggressive behavior. Submissive shying away from saying what you really mean and not seeking to achieve your needs, particularly when someone else has conflicting needs. A submissive person is a shrinking violet, avoiding upsetting others either because they fear them or they fear to hurt their feelings. Assertive the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development Know your Attitude? Yourself Know Not Know 1. Open Area 2. Blind Area 3. Hidden Area 4. Dark Area Know Others Not Know Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development Self Concept? The way you think of yourself The way you feel about yourself The way you perform in social environment The way you talk to other people The way you treat other people POSITIVE or NEGATIVE Neni Sholihat - Personality Development
Neni Sholihat - Personality Development