Pentingnya Proses Bisnis dalam Pencapaian Visi dan Misi Organisasi Bogor, 21 November 2018
a Gap Exists Between Mission/Vision/Strategy and Employees’ Everyday Actions Why we exist ( plan to realize ) VALUES What’s important to us VISION What we want to be (what do we aim to achieve) TOO FAR… STRATEGY Our game plan GAP…?? BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING/ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT/ SIX SIGMA What we must improve EMPOWERMENT / PERSONAL OBJECTIVES What I need to do Modified from Kaplan & Norton, 2004
ORGANIZATIONAL----HUMAN RESOURCE Culture (srong-adaptive-fit) Leadership Integritas Departemental Conflict /Inconsistency Poor comunication Orientasi Kualitas Uclear Goals kerjasama perencanaan Orientasi Pelayanan… ORGANIZATIONAL----HUMAN RESOURCE Problem…
DEPARTEMENTAL CONFLICT In matrix structure , people report to two different managers, a functional manager and a divisional manager. However, when deadlines and budgets cause competition among departements , conflicts and power struggles occur, making it difficult for employees to know which direction to go. So effective coordination and collaboration can prevent a true crisis
UNCLEAR GOALS To enable agility, each organization may set its own goals. This minimize the levels of approval. In a divisional organizational structure, each employee works to meet the Division’s need. This work well when each division works separately. However when divisions need to interact, this works less effectively
POOR COMMUNICATION Relying on informal/personnal communication or meetings on a management process tends to become less effective for public . Please establishing good communication mechanisms (such as tracking process)
SDM di KKP Jumlah ASN KKP 10.586 S3 181 orang ( 1,71%) S1/D4 4.290 orang (40,52%) D3 1.172 orang (11,07%) SLTA/D1/D2 2.691 org (25,42%) di bawah SLTA 315 org ( 2,98%) SDM di KKP
KINERJA REFORMASI KKP TAHUN IKU NILAI REALISASI 2016 Nilai Kinerja Reformasi Birokrasi 98,73% Kinerja keuangan 86,05% 2017 78,74% 86,71% Sumber: Hasil Penelitian 2017,diolah dari LAKIP, 2016;2017
Pemenang BKN Award 2018 untuk masing-masing kategori: Kementerian Keuangan Kementerian Kesehatan Kementerian PUPR Kementerian Perhubungan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (Rapat Koordinasi (Rakornas) Kepegawaian 2018 di Indonesia Convention Exchibition (ICE) BSD Tangerang, Rabu (11/7/2018)
Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (PAN-RB) mengumumkan 40 instansi memiliki inovasi pelayanan publik terbaik di Indonesia pada 2018. : Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Kementerian Sosial. Kemudian, Kementerian Luar Negeri Kepolisian Negara RI (International Public Service Forum di Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta pada 7 November 2018)
Meskipun di sisi lain KKP pernah berhasil mendapatkan reward dari BKN sebagai peringkat 3 besar pelayanan Manajemen ASN terbaik di Indonesia dan Nilai A dalam Akuntabilitas Kinerja Tahun 2016 Prestasi
7 kriteria penilaian untuk mendapatkan BKN Award 2018 : Perencanaan Formasi Pelayanan Pengadaan Kepangkatan dan Pensiun Implementasi Sistem Aplikasi Pelayanan Kepegawaian (SAPK) Pemanfaatan Computer Asissted Test(CAT-BKN) Penilaian Kompetensi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Implementasi Penilaian Kinerja Komitmen Pengawasan dan Pengendalian.
Mission + Vission through BP.. Why we exist VALUES What’s important to us VISION What we want to be STRATEGY Our game plan BALANCED SCORECARD Translate, Focus and Align STRATEGIC INITIATIVES What are the priorities BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING/ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT/ SIX SIGMA What we must improve EMPOWERMENT / PERSONAL OBJECTIVES What I need to do STRATEGIC OUTCOMES Satisfied SHAREHOLDERS Delighted CUSTOMERS Efficient and Effective PROCESSES Motivated & Prepared WORKFORCE BUSSINESS PROCESS Kaplan & Norton, 2004
Mission + Vission through BP.. Why we exist VISION What we want to be Structure STRATEGY MAPS & BALANCED SCORECARD Translate, Focus and Align FES L&G (HR, Technology, Organization) Internal Process (Business Process) Stakeholder Persp. Strategi Program Sub-Program Activities Output Rewards Punishment Modified from Kaplan & Norton, 2004
Mission + Vission through BP.. Why we exist VALUES What’s important to us VISION What we want to be STRATEGY Our game plan BALANCED SCORECARD Translate, Focus and Align STRATEGIC INITIATIVES What are the priorities BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING/ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT/ SIX SIGMA What we must improve EMPOWERMENT / PERSONAL OBJECTIVES What I need to do STRATEGIC OUTCOMES Satisfied SHAREHOLDERS Delighted CUSTOMERS Efficient and Effective PROCESSES Motivated & Prepared WORKFORCE BUSSINESS PROCESS Kaplan & Norton, 2004
What kind of Bussines Process What kind of Bussines Process..??? Proses Bisnis atau Tata Laksana adl kumpulan aktivitas kerja terstruktur dan saling terkait yg menghasilkan output
Mix & Match… Business Process PP 24/2018 UU 25/2009 PerPres 95/2018 OSS Pelayanan Publik BP E-Govt PerPres 95/2018 UU 25/2009 Keyword Organization Business Process Digitalization (Information System/ Information Technology) Mix & Match… PermenPANRB 19/2018
The concept of Reengineering Strategies People Process Technology BPR changes processes, not functions, departments, geographies or tasks. BPR derives its existence from different disciplines, and four major areas can be identified as being subjected to change in BPR. The concept of Reengineering
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