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Introduction Manajerial #1
Managerial Economics Defined
Aplikasi teori ekonomi dan alat pengambilan keputusan untuk mengetahui bagaimana organisasi dapat mencapai tujuannya secara lebih efektif.
Managerial Decision Problems
Economic theory Microeconomics Macroeconomics Decision Sciences Mathematical Economics Econometrics MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Application of economic theory and decision science tools to solve managerial decision problems OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS TO MANAGERIAL DECISION PROBLEMS
Managerial economics as an economics discipline
Macroeconomics Microeconomics “Sector” economics Money, finance, banking Labor economics Economics of IT and EC Managerial economics International Economics Regional Economics Economic Development
Economic optimisation
The value of the firm Economic constraints The role of managerial economics in managerial decision making Managerial economics as an economics discipline
Permasalahan dalam keputusan manajemen
Product Price and Output Make or Buy Production Technique Stock Levels Advertising Media and Intensity Labor Hiring and Training Investment and Financing
Theory of consumer behaviour Theory of firm
masalah keputusan manajerial Product price and output Make or buy Production technique Internet strategy Advertising media and intensity Investment and financing konsep ekonomi Theory of consumer behaviour Theory of firm Theory of market structures and pricing alat pengambilan keputusan Numerical analysis Statistical analysis Forecasting Game theory Optimisation ekonomi manajerial Use of economics concepts and decision making tools to solve managerial decision problems Optimal solutions
The Process of decision-making
Mengidentifikasi tujuan Mendefinisikan masalah Mengidentifikasi kemungkinan solusi Memilih kemungkinan solusi terbaik Mengimplementasikan keputusan
Theory of the firm Teori yang mengindikasikan bagaimana perusahaan berperilaku dan apa tujuan mereka Mengkombinasikan dan mengorganisasikan sumberdaya untuk tujuan produksi barang dan jasa untuk perdagangan menginternalisasi transaksi, dan mengurangi biaya transaksi Tujuan utama adalah memaksimisasi kesejahteraan atau nilai perusahaan
Theory of the Firm Expected Value Maximization
Pemilik-manajer memaksimasi profit jangka pendek Tujuan utama jangka panjang adalah maksimisasi expected-value Constraints and the Theory of the Firm Kendala sumberdaya. Kendala sosial Limitations of the Theory of the Firm Teori alternatif menambah persepsi Kompetisi mendorong efisiensi Pengambilalihan membuat manajer tidak efisien
The present value of all expected future profits
Value of the Firm
Alternative Theories Sales maximization
Adequate rate of profit Management utility maximization Principle-agent problem Satisficing behavior Profit Market share Revenue growth Return on investment Technology Customer satisfaction Shareholder value
Alternatif lain Non-economic Objectives:
1. “A good place for our employees to work” 2. “Provide good products/services to our customers” 3. “Act as a good citizen in our society”
Definitions of Profit Business Profit: Total revenue minus the explicit or accounting costs of production. Economic Profit: Total revenue minus the explicit and implicit costs of production. Opportunity Cost: Implicit value of a resource in its best alternative use.
Function of Profit Profit merupakan signal untuk menunjukkan alokasi sumberdaya Profit yang tinggi dalam industri merupakan sinyal bahwa pembeli menginginkan lebih dari yang diproduksi industri Profit negatif atau rendah memberikan sinyal bahwa pembeli menginginkan lebih sedikit dibandingkan yang diproduksi industri
Theories of Profit Risk-Bearing Theories of Profit
Frictional Theory of Profit Monopoly Theory of Profit Innovation Theory of Profit Managerial Efficiency Theory of Profit
Nilai marjinal Nilai marjinal dari variabel dependen adalah perubahan variabel dependen akibat perubahan 1 unit variabel independen Maksimisasi muncul jika marjinal berubah dari positif menjadi negatif Jika marjinal di atas rata-rata, maka rata-rata akan menaik dan sebaliknya Marjinal merupakan derivasi dari nilai total
Poin utama The dependent variable is maximized when its marginal value shifts from positive to negative
hubungan antara output dan profit perusahaan bejo
Total, marginal, and average profit – Bejo Corporation
Konsep inkremental dalam analisis ekonomi
Marginal v. Incremental Concept Marginal relates to one unit of output. Incremental relates to one managerial decision. Multiple units of output is possible. Incremental Profits Profits tied to a managerial decision.
Apa tujuan utama manajerial?
pilih alternatif yang menghasilkan hasil yang konsisten dengan tujuan manajerial Apa tujuan utama manajerial? Tergantung struktur kepemilikan Profit maximisation? Sales/revenue maximisation? The value of the firm maximisation? Profit per employee maximisation?
Limited capacity of market Choice/Opportunity cost
Limited resourses Labour Capital Finance Raw materials Environment Limited capacity of market Demand Choice/Opportunity cost
Pola bisnis dalam masyarakat
Mengapa perusahaan ada? Bisnis berguna untuk memberikan kepuasan bagi konsumen Bisnis memberikan kontribusi terhadap kesejahteraan sosial Social Responsibility of Business Melayani pelanggan Menyediakan lapangan kerja Mematuhi aturan dan regulasi perlu adanya etika bisnis
Perubahan lingkungan ekonomi manajerial
Globalization of Economic Activity Goods and Services Capital Technology Skilled Labor Technological Change Telecommunications Advances The Internet and the World Wide Web
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