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Presentasi berjudul: "PENGENALAN PIPET DI LABORATORIUM"— Transcript presentasi:


2 PIPET Disebut juga pipettor atau chemical dropper
Alat yang digunakan di laboratorium untuk memindahkan larutan dalam ukuran tertentu secara akurat Digunakan di Biologi Molekuler

3 Jenis Pipet Pipet gelas Pipetor / pipetman (mikropipet)
Dilengkapi dg pipet-aid Untuk volume > 1 ml (1-10 ml) Pipetor / pipetman (mikropipet) Dilengkapi dg tip (disposible) Untuk volume 0,1 m -10 ml

4 Macam Mikropipet

5 Macam Tip Mikropipet Ultra Micropipet Tip (0.5 - 10 µl)
Blue Micropipet Tip ( µl) Yellow Micropipet Tip ( µl) Fine Tip Micropipet Tip ( µl)

6 Macam mikropipet dan asesorinya
1. Adjustable pipettes, from left: μl, 2-20μl, μl. 2. Graded transfer pipette and electric pipette filler. 3. 25, 10, 5 and 2ml transfer pipettes. 4. Disposable tips for adjustable pipettes. 5. 12 channel adjustable pipette for microplates. 6. Low retention μl adjustable pipette' 7. Squeezable transfer pipettes. 8. Digital adjustable pipette. 9. Light guided pipetting system.

7 Bagian-bagian mikropipet

8 Micropipettes have 3 positions

9 Multichanel pipetor

10 Cara pengambilan cairan melalui tip mikropipet

11 Micropipet

12 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

13 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

14 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

15 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

16 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

17 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

18 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

19 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

20 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

21 The steps used to transfer a volume of liquid from one container to another

22 Thank you


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