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Rizma Adlia Syakurah Public Health Department, Sriwijaya University.

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1 Rizma Adlia Syakurah Public Health Department, Sriwijaya University.

2   Introduction  Purpose  Method  Results  Additional Finding  Conclusion Outline

3  Tutorial Discussion plays an important and critical role in the success of problem base learning, as it is often said to be the core of it. Ensuring the method are used effectively and functioning is critical to the success of a PBL program. Introduction

4  To explore medical students’ point of view toward implementation of tutorial steps in FK Unsri. Purpose

5  Focus group discussions. Discussing about their difficulty in practicing tutorial steps, and certain issues throughout the whole process. Participant observation and cross- examination are used as triangulation. Method

6   Term of Clarification ;  Use of certain localized terminology in scenario. “… singkatan yang dibuat disini, yang terkenalnya cuma se-Palembang…” (K1L1,5)  Tutors intervention  Forcing students to use the exact term as written in tutor guide.  Different definition from tutors about term of clarification.  Concerns about semantics rather than content. “… ada tutor yang mewajibkan mahasiswa mengklarifikasi sejelas mungkin, walaupun istilah tersebut dalam bahasa Indonesia dan sudah dimengerti oleh orang banyak.” (K1L1,44-46)  Students want terms of clarification to be done just as it supposed to be done, unbound by the tutor guide. Results

7   Identification of Problems  Tutors intervention  Forcing students to use the exact term as written in tutor guide.  Different perspective and definition.  Debate in pleno later, without clarity.  Bad redaction in scenario is making identification more difficult. “ … terkadang terkendala di redaksi, kok kalo yang ini jadi rancu ya?” (K2L3,23-24)  Debate within students and no intervention from tutors.  Students want better redaction in scenarios, unison of perception within tutors and experts, and unbound by the tutor guide, as long as still in line with the case. Results

8   Analysis of Problems.  In clinical blocks students usually use ‘ nyanyian ’ to fill the analysis.  problem finding << “… sekarang sudah ada “nyanyian” untuk blok klinis, seperti etiologi dan faktor risiko.” (K1L6,33)  Tutors intervention  Forcing students to use the exact term as written in tutor guide.  Different perceptions and key points. “… ada beberapa tutor yang minta poin ini harus dipertanyakan, padahal menurut mahasiswa itu tidak penting” (K2L5, 25-26) Results

9   Brainstorming  First year >> Last year  Group dynamics influence the flow of brainstorming.  Lack of guidance and accommodation from tutors. “… sudah tidak semangat, kalo lihat teman sudah pulang jadi mau pulang juga. Brainstorming ditiadakan.” (K2L8,26-27) Results

10   Hypothesis and Problem Interconnection  Students rarely study beforehand.  Only several people involve, usually moderator and the most active members.  Some tutors demand them to make hypothesis that is exact to tutor guide, while sometimes they don’t guide them beforehand. “… tutornya lebih banyak membimbing ya, jangan sampai keluar masuk saja.” (K2L10,6) Results

11   Conceptual Framework  Students’ lack of motivation.  Made by one or two more diligent students.  Dependence.  Lacks of ideas.  Depend on the mood of the group  High in ego, take longer time to discuss.  Sometimes doesn’t concord to the flow of the earlier process.  Tutors have already left the room. Results

12   Making of Learning Issue  Usually skipped; only first year students still make those.  Using existing problem from their previous steps as they claim it to be rather similar. “… biasanya langsung bagi bagi analisis masalah aja.” (K2L11,41) Results

13   Self-Learning is rarely done as well.  Students copy others’ handout.  Students are confused where to start.  Self-learning time is used for skills labs, practical training, or lectures.  Students are having difficulty to find good place to read and search for problem analysis and learning issues. Results

14   Synthesis.  Only take turns to read students’ finding from problem analysis. No discussion.  Students are not interested and sometimes skipped.  No persuasion from tutors. “… LI hanya dijadikan lampiran untuk nebelin laporan, dan jarang didiskusikan.” (K2L13,29-30) Results

15   Students are afraid of point deduction by doing differently from the tutor guide. They all know that there are no assessment point for that in the evaluation sheet, but they’re still afraid nonetheless. “… Klarifikasi yang dianggap tidak full disuruh dimasukkan lagi, nilai kami tidak full.” (R1K1L2, 11-12) “… Mahasiswa memiliki pemikiran yang berbeda dengan check list. Jika berbeda, maka nilainya bakal jatuh…“ (R1K1L4, 41-42) Additional Finding

16   Same scenarios are copied from last year, so students tend to use their seniors’ last year report, and don’t study as hard and as motivated in their tutorial session.  There are students that express the need of having a module, but according to the medical education unit, there are modules provided within every block. When confirmed, the student said that what he/she means was the need of tutorial guidelines to prepare them for the upcoming tutorial session. “… soalnya kita butuh persiapan, jadi intinya perlu modul.” (K1L4,17) Additional Finding

17   Most problems are caused by students’ lack of motivation and tutors’ actions which may have been resulted from their misperception of what a tutorial should be.  Medical education unit in FK Unsri is expected to do a comprehensive re-evaluation in tutorial implementation, tutor training and students performance. Conclusion

18  Thank You

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