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Effective Teaching Strategies By Sukirno DS Jurusan Pend. Akuntansi FE UNY 081215312000 / Bog:

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1 Effective Teaching Strategies By Sukirno DS Jurusan Pend. Akuntansi FE UNY 081215312000 / Bog:

2 Kurikulum Alat Bantu Belajar Buku Pendidik Model Pembelajaran PBM SiswaLulusan Lingkungan 

3 Model Pembelajaran Peserta didik Musikal Kinestetis- Jasmani Visual- Spatial Linguistik Intrapribadi Antarpribadi (Sosial) Naturalis Logis- Matematis Pembelajaran menerapkan variasi model pembelajaran Variasi metode dan strategi pembelajaran Peserta didik Dengan Kecerdasan Majemuk

4 Kita belajar: 10 % dari apa yang kita baca 20 % dari apa yang kita dengar 30 % dari apa yang kita lihat 50 % dari apa yang kita lihat dan dengar 70 % dari apa yang kita katakan 90 % dari apa yang kita katakan dan lakukan Model Pembelajaran Apa yang terjadi jika guru banyak berceramah dalam mengajar? Apa implikasi data di atas terhadap persiapan pembelajaran?

5 Model Pembelajaran Mengerjakan Hal yang Nyata Melakukan Simulasi Bermain Peran Menyajikan/Presentasi Terlibat dalam Diskusi Lihat Demonstrasi Lihat Video/Film Lihat Gambar/ Diagram Dengarkan Tingkat Keterlibatan Verbal Visual Terlibat Berbuat Yang Diingat 10% 20% 30% 50% 70% 90% Baca “Succesful Learning Comes from doing” (Wyatt $ Looper, 1999)

6 Model Pembelajaran Proses pembelajaran interaktif inspiratif menyenangkan menantang memotivasi peserta didik berpartisipasi aktif memberikan ruang bagi prakarsa, kreativitas, dan kemandirian (bakat, minat dan perkembangan fisik serta psikologis peserta ) Proses pembelajaran

7 KEGIATAN PENDAHULUAN Model Pembelajaran menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik mengaitkan pengetahuan sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan dipelajari menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran Pelaksanaan Proses Pembelajaran KEGIATAN INTI PENUTUP

8 Model Pembelajaran KEGIATAN INTI Eksplorasi Elaborasi Konfirmasi melibatkan peserta mencari informasi menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran terjadinya interaksi antar peserta didik/Guru/Lingkungan membiasakan peserta didik dalam membaca dan menulis memfasilitasi memunculkan gagasan baru baik secara lisan maupun tertuluis; memberi kesempatan untuk berpikir, menganalisis, menyelesaikan masalah, dan bertindak tanpa rasa takut

9 Model Pembelajaran Elaborasi KEGIATAN INTI Elaborasi lanjutan memfasilitasi peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dan kolaboratif memfasilitasi peserta didik berkompetisi secara sehat untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar Memfasilitasi peserta didik membuat laporan eksplorasi, baik lisan maupun tulisan, secara individu atau kelompok; memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan pameran, turnamen, festival, serta produk yang dihasilkan

10 Model Pembelajaran Konfirmasi memberikan umpan balik positif memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi memfasilitasi memperoleh pengalaman yang bermakna memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi membantu menyelesaikan masalah berfungsi sebagai nara dan fasilitator memberi acuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan pengecekan hasil eksplorasi; memberi informasi untuk bereksplorasi lebih lanjut; memberi motivasi kepada peserta untuk bereksplorasi lebih lanjut.

11 Model Pembelajaran PENUTUP bersama mebuat rangkuman/kesimpulan pelajaran melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut meyampaikan pembelajaran berikutnya Pelaksanaan Proses Pembelajaran

12 Principles of Adult Learning. Active Learning. Instructional Strategies.

13 Need to know how adults learn best. Adult learners have special needs. Six characteristics of adult learners.

14 Are autonomous and self-directed. Have a foundation of life experiences and knowledge. Are goal-oriented. Are relevancy-oriented. Are practical. Need to be shown respect.

15 Implications: Involve participants. Serve as facilitator. Determine interests of learners.

16 Implications: Recognize expertise of participants. Encourage participants to share their experiences and knowledge.

17 Implications: Be organized. Have clear objectives.

18 Implication: Explain how training objectives relate to training activities.

19 Implication: Show relevance of training to job.

20 Implications: Acknowledge the wealth of knowledge and experiences the participants bring to the training. Treat the participants as equals rather than subordinates.

21 Learning is not a spectator sport. The more actively engaged the learner is, the more learning takes place. Different instructional methodologies have greater rates of retention.

22 1.Be passionate. Students appreciate a professor who is passionate and enthusiastic about their subject matter and teaching. They’ll work harder for you if you make it clear that you care about your material and their success. 2.Respect your students. Without them, we wouldn’t have jobs. Always remember that you’re doing what you love to do because of the students. 3.Make yourself a great teacher. Most of us weren’t trained to be teachers, so we must teach ourselves. If you’re struggling in the classroom, ask for help. Find a mentor, attend workshops, identify resource material, start a teaching excellence workgroup. Never stop looking for ways to improve. 22

23 4.Master your subject matter. Be prepared and organized, but flexible enough to change things up when they’re not working. 5.Care about your students, but set appropriate boundaries. 6.Give your students the freedom to develop intellectually, not just regurgitate course material. Helping them develop critical thinking skills may be the greatest gift you give them. 7.Provide clear, written course requirements and objectives. Prepare a detailed syllabus with as much information, including deadlines, test dates, expectations and course requirements, as possible. Don’t be afraid to set the bar high, just be realistic in your expectations. 23

24 8.Remember that students learn differently. Some students learn materially by listening, some by reading, some experientially. Use different teaching methods to accommodate these different learning styles. 9.Make your class relevant to their world and their future. Treat students as consumers of knowledge. Figure out what they need to know and why they need to know it. Tell them why you’re teaching what you’re teaching. Bring as much real world experience as you can into the classroom. 10.Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have a sense of humor and bring that into the classroom. Self-deprecating humor can be very effective and will help students relate to you as a human being. 24

25 Quiz. Games. Role-playing. Brainstorming. Group problem-solving. Lecture.

26 Simulation. Case Study.

27 Coaching Cine forum Debriefing Case study Counselling Brainstorming Guided discussion Group discussion Field experience Guided practice Demonstration Metaplan Lecture Modeling Role playing Microteaching Problem solving Reading information Problem-based learning Project work (ind. or group) Skill practice (ind. or group) Theatre of the oppressed Research (ind. or group) Self-case study Theatre forum Simulation

28 Apply principles of adult learning theory. Make learning active. Use strategies modeled in today’s training.


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