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Departemen Geografi FMIPA UI

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Presentasi berjudul: "Departemen Geografi FMIPA UI"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Departemen Geografi FMIPA UI

2 Kehidupan (ekonomi) Manusia; Geographical Knowledge and Enlightenment
Apalagi yang akan datang ? Information Communication Technology Geographical Knowledge and Enlightenment Perdagangan regional baru GIS/ GPS / GPRS/ what else ? Foto Udara Pemetaan awal dan ensiklopedia (Ptolemy,Columbus , Ratzel, dll) Export/ import Tata dunia baru (metanasional) Mental maps Globalisasi Berdagang / transaksi benda berharga (uang) Berdagang / barter Berburu dan bertani Jaman imperialisme > Imperialisme gaya baru Hidup dari lingkungan Spatial Dynamics: Global Regional National Local Site Trans -Continent Lokal Regional Global Enlightenment: as “related to theoeitical matters: to (objective) rational knowledge and to (subjective) facility in rational reflection about matters of human life” (Livingstone, David N, 1999)

3 Perkembangan kota

4 Dasar Kompetisi 60-an 70-an 80-an 90-an 2000 - an P E R M I N T A S

Rigid Business system known as Value Chain (equity link) Corporate function Network function with key levers at hand R&D Manufacturing Marketing Sales Services R&D Silicon Valley Telco $ bill collection $ Overseas Operation Engineering Marketing Customers In Bangalore, Heyderabad internet The Company Manufacturing Sales Services In Vietnam (Outsourced) Major Markets (Outsourced) A 20th-century company A 21st-century corporation Kenichi Ohmae, 2000

6 From Data to ... Intelligence
Pengetahuan yang tersebar Cenderung membangun Data warehouse/ Data mining GIS (sebagian besar aktifitas Geografikal Indonesia masih di sini) INFORMASI Mengumpulkan pengetahuan yang tersebar ANALISIS Kategorisasi dan klasifikasi informasi Membangun Decision Support System SDSS INTELLIGENCE Implikasi untuk pembuatan keputusan

7 Contoh salah satu bagian Aplikasi BI (Business Intelligence)
Perdagangan (Merchandise) & Mix Analysis Segmentasi toko/outlet Analisa Promosi Rencana Merger & Akuisisi Pemilihan Lokasi Rencana Jejaring Pemetaan Pasar Analisa Kompetitor Sistem Pendukung Pembuatan Keputusan Spatial (Spatial Decision Support System/ SDSS) Modelling, analisis dan visualisasi Gudang Data Spatial (Spatial Data Warehouse) Data Fusion and Management Demand side Data Supply-side Data Pusat kawasan belanja Penamaan daerah: Kebayoran Waralaba Kode Pos Alamat distribusi ISIC Toko Internal Client Data Eksternal Nama Suku Pendapatan Skala Unit Record Data (example) Aggregate Data Aggregate Data Unit Record Data (example) Format Waktu Bisnis gudang Mall Ruko Status Daerah sensus kota Propinsi Pengeluaran Pekerjaan

8 Perumusan Karakteristik Sosiolinguistik Perumusan Dialect Topography
Contoh Aplikasi Metode Deduktif (kasus penerapan Dialect Topography) Adat Iklim Geomorfologi Agama Demografi Hidrologi Spatial behavior Lanskap Fisik Lanskap Sosial Iptek Perumusan Karakteristik Sosial Pemahaman Karakteristik Dinamika Masyarakat Perumusan Karakteristik Sosiolinguistik Desk research Penetapan variabel makro Perumusan Prototipe Hipotetis Dialect Topography Perumusan Dialect Topography Desk Research Penetapan Prototipe Model Hipotetis Dialect Topography Survey data primer Simulasi isogloss

9 Identifikasi Potensi Lokasi Kawasan Industri/ Perdagangan
(menggunakan SIG) Data Primer Data Sekunder Social survey Geographical survey Site Factors Analysis Site Cognitive Distance Cognitive Location factors Analysis Potential Area Area situation/ environment Internal Analysis External Analysis Buffer Analysis and network LOKASI POTENSI KAWASAN INDUSTRI/ PERDAGANGAN Prioritas lokasi potensi untuk kawasan industri Gambaran situasi pendukung lokasi kawasan industri/ perdagangan

10 Cakupan Data untuk Studi Lokasi Bank
Data lokasi/area Peruntukan tanah (pemukiman, perkantoran/bisnis); eksisting & master plan Harga tanah Jaringan jalan Fasilitas umum/publik Existing bank service points (Kantor  ATM) LOKASI PRIMER/ PRIORITAS UNTUK Bank Analisa empiris potensi lokasi Bank (orientasi) Data sosial & bisnis Demografis (+ agama)  individual/retail Establisment (kantor/ pabrik)  corporate OUTPUT Lokasi Potensi (per prioritas) Analisa komprehensif Potensi Lokasi Data banking habits faktor penentu memilih bank kebiasaan memanfaatkan jasa bank (cara, saat/occation, waktu,frekuensi,siapa, dll) Location perceived: kognisi, afektif, konatif Analisa tingkah laku nasabah bank terkait dengan lokasi outlet bank OUTPUT Lokasi Potensi (perspektif nasabah)

11 Spatial arrangement / Tata Ruang
How to put / develop values into practice (Sense of Place membentuk Tata Ruang) SPACE VALUE ? Spatial Imagination Values Cognitive Space Affective Space Conative Cognitive Affective Conative Psychological transformation perencanaan wilayah Spatial Behavior Practices Spatial arrangement / Tata Ruang

12 Regional Planning Process
Sense of Place/ Mental Map dalam Proses Perencanaan Daerah Cognitive Space Sense of Place Affective Space Spatial Attributes Physical Landscape Cultural Landscape Spatial Behavior Relative Approach Positive Approach Spatial Arrangement Regional Planning Process

13 A simple way of understanding Indonesia
Society Economy Hundreds of ethnic groups Unbalanced geodemographic distribution (less densed pop. in eastern) Dominated by muslim (concentrated in western and center) Economic/business activities concentraed more in Western part Western part has better infrastructure and business support Western part is closer to international business center (Singapore-Malaysia and East Asia) Big gap between urban and rural economy Idealism: United in Diversity based on Pacasila (?) Scaterred Resources (tangibles and intangibles) Confusing Laws central vs local by sector Environment Biodiversity; second richest in the world (land + sea) Heavy exploitation in western rather than eastern

14 Westerners Orientation
Perubahan Paradigma dan Proses Pengaruh Kognisi (pengetahuan dan pengalaman) Sosial How Asians and Westerners Think Differently and WHY (Richard E. Nisbett, 2003) Ecology Ecology Economy Economy Social Structure Social Structure Attention Metaphysics Attention Epistemology Metaphysics Cognitive Process Epistemology Cognitive Process Asians Orientation Westerners Orientation

15 The New Focus on "Knowledge" as a Competitive Resource
Knowledge creation Continuous innovation Competitive advantage

16 Peta dari masa ke masa

17 Social spaces Information spaces Infrastructure

18 distortion and deception “how to lie with maps”
most obvious being through data selection/omission projections how are maps of cyberspace deceiving? Clearly there are many ways to project cyberspace onto a map

19 Universitas Indonesia sebagai Research University
Academic Educational Program Professional Educational Program BASIC RESEARCH DEV. PROGRAM Applied Research Dev. Program Bachelor Deg. Prog. Program Diploma Industry / Public UNIVERSITY/ RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS Program Profesional PostGrad. Prog. + International / National Training Licensed Prog./ Internship Prog.




23 Eksekutif (swasta, MNCs, International Agencies)
Karir Geograf (Alumni Geografi UI) Traveler /penjelajah Perencana wilayah Pegawai negeri Pekerja Sosial (LSM) Eksekutif (swasta, MNCs, International Agencies) peneliti Guru / dosen Pengusaha

24 Peluang Kerja Di Pemerintah dan Swasta
SWASTA/ Non-Pemerintah Saat ini Yang akan datang

25 Entrepreneur/ wirausaha
Jadi Pegawai atau Pengusaha ? Wirausaha/ entrepreneur: Seorang / sekelompok orang yang bekerja untuk mengatasi ketidakpastian (dari ide yang tercipta) menjadi satu yang pasti. Pekerjaannya selalu mengandung resiko. Aspek Entrepreneur/ wirausaha Manager/pegawai Motive Memulai usaha dengan membuat perusahaan / lembaga Bekerja memberi jasa pada perusahaan/ lembaga yang telah dirancang orang lain Status Pemilik perusahaan/ lembaga Pengabdi/pelayan dari satu perusahaan/ lembaga milik wirausaha / pemerintah / masyarakat Risk-taker Terlibat langsung dengan segala resiko (hidup/ mati) dalam membesarkan perusahaan/ lembaga Tidak terlibat langsung terhadap hidup/matinya perusahaan/ lembaga Rewards Menciptakan penghargaan sendiri dari hasil keberhasilan merealisasi idenya (yang diawali dengan ketidakpastian) Mendapat gaji rutin dan bonus ataupun tunjangan Innovation Berusaha selalu menciptakan inovasi agar selalu sejalan dengan permintaan/kebutuhan pasar Secara sederhana hanya menjalan rencana kerja yang telah dirancang/ditetapkan sebelumnya Qualifications Motivasi achievement yang tinggi, ide original, pandangan ke depan, berani dan mampu menangani resiko Menguasai teori/pengetahuan dan ketrampilan untuk melaksanakan tugas yang telah direncanakan

26 Reputation and Credibility GAIN YOUR POWER
rather than "position gain your power" Competence TRUST TRUST Commitment Creativity Connectivity TRUST

27 Top 5 Bidang Profesi Geogaf
(perkiraan 5 thn YAD) GIS/ SDSS (Spatial Decision Support System) specialist a. Designing SDSS b. SDSS auditor Environmental Analyst a. Water management and waste management specialist b. Natural/Energy Resource Assessment specialist c. Natural Hazard Management specialist Business planner/ evaluation expertise a. Best Location analyst (supply side vs demand side) b. Distribution Management specialist Community Development expertise a. Community dynamic assessment specialist b. Spatial Social Engineering specialist Urban planner a. Urban ecologist b. Urban planner specialist

28 Knowledge based society
The New Paradigm: Five Foci Framework for the Improvement of Higher Education 1. Quality 2. Autonomy 3. Accountability 4. Accreditation 5. Evaluation 1. Routine based 2. Subsidized 3. Conventional 4. Bureaucratic 5. Centralistic As a continues process to develop multicultural building Knowledge based society Priority programs: Developing intellectual skills Developing competencies Developing attitudes Developing values/shared values Multicultural Understanding Global Literacy


30 Analysis of spatial-temporal dynamics
Basic change analysis. Normally for surface pairs 2004 - = 2000 red=positive, blue=negative

31 1993 1994 CHANGE The first two one-meter black-and-white images show an urban area under development. In the 1993 image, the plain black or gray areas indicate land that has not been developed. By 1994, these areas had clearly acquired housing, additional streets and cul-de-sacs. Nevertheless, with the naked eye it is difficult to decipher exactly what changes took place. Using change detection, one can easily see what changes have taken place. Red are added. Blue are removed.

32 Mengukur Manfaat Bisnis GIS
Save money/ cost avoidance Save time Increase efficiency Increase accuracy Increase productivity Generate revenue Support decision making Aid budgeting Automate workflow Build an Information Base Manage resource Improve access to government Increase communication and collaboration Sumber: Thomas dan Ospina (ESRI), 2004

33 Manfaat GIS dalam Matriks Industri (pengalaman ESRI)
Communication and collaboration Improve access to government Save money/ cost avoidance Build an information base Support decision making Increase productivity Automate workflow Increase efficiency Increase accuracy Generate revenue Manage resources Aid budgeting Save time Manfaat GIS dalam Matriks Industri (pengalaman ESRI) Business banking and insurance media real estate Government administration/management cadastral economic development electronic finance health and human services law enforcement and criminal justice Natural Resources agriculture forestry Transportation logistics and fleet management transportation systems and network Utilities electric and gas telecommunication

34 Contoh teknik analisis spatial

35 Academic work focusing on real world problems, their causes and possible solutions
WE ARE Living in an interconnected world Liverpool 1979 Clemence, Neal, Kennedy A, Thompson, Hansen, Case, Kennedy, Souness, McDermott, Dalglish, Johnson, Hughes, Heighway, Fairclough Ambrosio, Babayaro, Bridge, Cech, Cole, Crespo, Cudicini, Desailly, Duff, Ferreira, Gallas, Geremi, Gronkjaer, Gudjohnsen, Hasselbaink, Huth, Johnson, Kitamirike, Lampard, Macho, Makaba-Makalamby, Makelele, Melchiot, Mutu, Nicolas, Oliveira, Parker, Petit, Pidgeley, Robben, Rocastle, Smertin, Stanic, Sullivan, Terry, Zenden Chelsea 2004 TERIMA KASIH Dept. Geografi FMIPA UI, Kampus UI Deppok Telp

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